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Entrepreneurship Hub

andy aylesworth
Andy Aylesworth
Professor of Marketing

Andy has been a professor of marketing at Bentley since 1994 and has lectured at Rotterdam School of Management and the University of Adelaide. His primary teaching interests are Creativity, Advertising, Marketing Communication and Promotion, and Marketing Fundamentals.  His current research interests include enhancing creativity in business and the classroom and improving marketing and business pedagogy.  He has trained in the techniques of improvisational comedy and performed in several Boston area shows, and strives to use these techniques to improve the business skills of his students.  Professor Aylesworth has been published in the Journal of Marketing Education, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, and Advances in Consumer Research.

Tamara Babian
Professor of Computer Information Systems

Tamara is a member of ERP Usability, RealViz and Music Analytics research groups at Bentley. She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses, mostly in programming and data management. Her research interests lie in the area of intelligent and collaborative systems. With her colleagues and students she studies how to create software systems that would work not just like mere tools, but more like ideal human assistants: smart, capable, helpful and considerate.

ryan bouldin
Ryan Bouldin
Associate Professor of Natural and Applied Sciences

Ryan holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering with an emphasis in Green Chemistry. He believes strongly that his work reflects more than just mixing chemicals to make new materials. While the goal of creating new materials is to incorporate them into new products, he believes those products should be nourishing to the communities that both create and use them. They must be safe and effective for both workers and consumers. This creates demand up supply chains for materials and processes that are ethical, economically viable, and beneficial for people and the planet. This belief is the philosophy of his work at Bentley.

brian fox
Brian Fox
Assistant Professor of Management

Brian's research examines competitive dynamics (how firms choose specific actions and respond to their rivals), industry evolution (how industries, and the firms that comprise them, change over time), and the performance implications of these forces. His research interests center around competitive strategy, firm performance, industry evolution, and the role of top management teams in shaping strategic choices. Methodologically, he is interested in the application of econometric techniques as well as the use of simulations and formal theoretical methods. His work has been published in several peer-reviewed journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Organizational Research Methods, Long Range Planning and Strategic Organization, among others.

Roland Hubsher
Roland Hübscher
Associate Professor of Experience Design

Roland received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Colorado, Boulder. His research interests are in the design of intelligent user interfaces for learners. His collaborative research with colleagues from educational psychology, physics, and computer science is supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Education. He has published in several fields including educational psychology, education and technology, data mining, visual programming languages, optimization, and computer and music.

In ji jang
In Ji jang
Assistant Professor of Finance

In Ji is an Assistant Professor of Finance. She earned her Ph.D. from Texas A&M University and her research interests include institutional investors, proxy voting, common ownership and executive compensation.

jeff moriarty
Jeff Moriarty
Professor of Philosophy

Jeff is the Executive Director of the Hoffman Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University. His research focuses on questions of distributive justice – in firms, markets, and states. Publications to feature his work include Business Ethics Quarterly, the Journal of Business EthicsNoûs, and Philosophical Studies. Jeff has taught business and professional ethics to undergraduate, graduate, and executive audiences. He was on the Board of Directors of the Society for Business Ethics from 2015 – 2020, serving as President from 2018 – 2019.

Veronica Pierni
Veronica Pierni
Professor of Management

Veronica leverages her extensive experience in the consumer tech and digital healthcare industries to equip future business leaders and entrepreneurs. She holds an MBA and MS from Northeastern University and earned her CPA in 1995. Veronica currently teaches undergraduate entrepreneurship courses. Prior to joining Bentley full-time in Fall 2023, she enjoyed a successful career working with diverse companies, from startups to global brands like Price Waterhouse, Bose Corporation and HealthBeacon. Veronica's entrepreneurial experience further extends to her co-founding of JamHub Corporation, a consumer high-tech company providing solutions for musicians, including the JamHub silent rehearsal studio and the BandLab platform. Veronica is actively involved on campus in fostering student innovation and developing future entrepreneurs at Bentley.

Photo of Andrew Shepardson
J. Andrew Shepardson
Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

Andrew has been a member of the Bentley community since 1993, when he started as judicial coordinator. Following promotions to assistant dean, associate dean and dean, he assumed the position of vice president for student affairs and dean of students in 2011. In this capacity, Andrew oversees all aspects of student life on and off campus through the management of numerous student-facing officers. In addition to his roles on campus, Andrew has taught undergraduate and graduate courses at Bentley, Northeastern and Suffolk universities. He has been named staff member of the year by Bentley students and received the university’s Founder’s Day award. 

cyrus veseer
Cyrus Veseer
Professor of History

Cyrus is Professor of History. He earned his Ph.D. in history from Columbia and authored A World Safe for Capitalism (Columbia, 2002) and Great Leaps Forward (Pearson, 2010). Former Fulbright, NEH, and Charles Warren Center fellow; currently associate with Weatherhead Initiative on Global History, Harvard University. His teaching interests include the history of capitalism, Caribbean and Latin American history and the history of U.S. foreign relations.