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Publishing Opportunities for Faculty

Prepared by the Faculty Learning Community for Community-Based Teaching and Learning CSU East Bay.

Academic Exchange Quarterly
Academic Exchange Quarterly was founded in 1997 and is an independent peer-reviewed print journal. It is a publication outlet for a multitude of faculty and disciplines in the United States and internationally. Several volumes have been devoted to the topic of service-learning.

Active Learning in Higher Education
Published three times per year by the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, this international journal focuses on all aspects of developments, innovations and good practice in higher education teaching and learning worldwide. The journal includes accounts of research by those active in the field of learning and teaching in higher education, and overviews of topics, accounts of action research, outputs from subject specific project teams, case studies and theoretical perspectives.

Community Development Journal
Published four times a year and circulated in over 80 countries, the Community Development Journal provides an international forum for political, economic and social programs, which link the activities of people with institutions and government. Dealing with the theory and practice of the policies, programs and methods employed, the journal covers a wide range of topics including community action, village, town, and regional planning, community studies and rural development. Articles of between 3,000 and 6,000 words, letters, news items and 'Fieldnotes' up to 1500 words are invited.

The Generator: Journal of SL and Service Leadership
This national journal of SL and youth leadership provides NYCL members with the most up-to-date information on SL methodologies, programs, and initiatives. Contributors are leaders in the field from throughout North America who share their experience and perspectives implementing SL and youth leadership programs in academic and community-based settings.

Innovative Higher Education
The goals of this journal are to present descriptions and evaluations of innovations and provocative new ideas with relevance for action beyond the immediate context in higher education, focus on the effect of such innovations on teaching and students, be open to diverse forms of scholarship and research methods by maintaining flexibility in the selection of topics deemed appropriate for the journal, and strike a balance between practice and theory by presenting manuscripts in a readable and scholarly manner to both faculty and administrators in the academic community.

The Journal of Cooperative Education and Internships
The Journal of Cooperative Education and Internships is dedicated to the advancement of work-integrated learning, to a strong focus on research associated with work-integrated learning, and the development of a global view of work-integrated learning through the publication of thoughtful and timely articles. The journal publishes program highlights from regional, national and international conferences; practical non-juried articles and information, examples of forms, agreements, and other practical tools; book reviews; research reports; and announcements of current activities relevant to scholars and practitioners.

The Journal of Education and Work
The Journal of Education and Work is an international forum for academic research and policy analysis which focuses on the interplay of the education and economic systems. The journal examines how knowledge, skills, values and attitudes both about and for work and employment are developed within the education system, with a particular interest in comparative studies of skill formation and the transition from education to employment, how this process is structured and managed, and its effects on the young people, schools, colleges, universities and employers. Articles are welcome from economists, psychologists, sociologists, educationalists, and policy analysts. The journal publishes case studies from practitioners which present innovation grounded in relevant literature and debate.

Journal of Experiential Education
This is a professional journal that publishes a diverse range of articles in subject areas such as outdoor adventure programming, SL, environmental education, therapeutic applications, research & theory, the creative arts, and much more. It is an invaluable reference tool for anyone in the field of experiential education.

Journal of General Education
Intended for faculty, administrators, and policymakers, the Journal of General Education is the professional forum for discussing issues in general education today. It addresses the general education concerns of community colleges, four-year colleges, universities, and state systems. Along with perspective essays on the role of general education today, JGE features articles on: Innovative methods in teaching and assessment, Profiles of exemplary general education programs, Case studies of successful curriculum development efforts, and reviews of books and monographs related to general education.

Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement
Formerly known as the Journal of Public Service and Outreach, this journal serves as a forum to promote the continuing dialogue about the service and outreach mission of the university and its relationship to the teaching and research missions and to the needs of the sponsoring society. Published three times per year, it is a peer-reviewed journal that casts a wide net and welcomes submissions from a broad range of scholars, practitioners, and professionals.

Metropolitan Universities Journal
Each issue reports in-depth on both the theoretical and applied aspects of a current theme affecting colleges and universities. Authors come from diverse institutional perspectives, and include top scholars and administrators who share a wealth of experience and knowledge about best practices and effective strategies. Past issues have focused on community-university partnerships and service-learning.

Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning
This is a peer-reviewed journal consisting of articles written by faculty and SL educators on research, theory, pedagogy, and issues pertinent to the SL community. The journal aims to: widen the community of SL educators; sustain and develop the intellectual vigor of those in this community; encourage research and pedagogical scholarship related to SL; contribute to the academic legitimacy of SL; and increase the number of students and faculty who have a chance to experience the rich teaching and learning benefits that accrue to SL participants. Contributing authors are associated with a wide range of academic disciplines and professions.

National Society for Experiential Education Quarterly
Articles from the field of experiential education, including research related to the effectiveness of experiential education techniques, are featured in this quarterly journal. Service-learning is one of the many experiential learning methods featured in this journal.

Reflections: A Journal of Writing, Service-Learning, and Community Literacy
This peer-reviewed journal, published three times a year, provides a forum for scholarship on community-based work in college writing courses and related issues. Articles reporting on research, describing and reflecting on curriculum or teaching practices, or exploring the practical, theoretical, political, and ethical implications of community-based writing instruction are accepted. Abstracts describing current research projects, book reviews, and announcements are also accepted. (To submit a paper, request more information, or subscribe, please write to

The Public Historian
The Public Historian, a quarterly journal sponsored by the National Council on Public History and published by University of California Press, is the voice of the public history movement. It emphasizes original research, fresh conceptualization, and new viewpoints, reflecting the diversity of approaches to the definition and practice of public history. They are seeking articles which make a significant contribution to the definition, understanding, and/or professional and intellectual progress of the field of public history.

Teaching Sociology
This quarterly publication of the American Sociological Association publishes articles, notes, and reviews intended to be helpful to teachers of sociology. Articles range from experimental studies of teaching and learning to broad, synthetic essays on pedagogically important issues. This journal also shares theoretically stimulating and practically useful information and advice among teachers.

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