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Great Benefactors Society

Great Benefactor is the university’s highest recognition, honoring an incredible group of alumni, parents and friends whose cumulative gift commitments to the university total $1M or more. These Great Benefactors exemplify the spirit and dedication of Bentley’s visionary founders and leaders. We cannot thank them enough for their extraordinary investments in the future of Bentley.


P = Parents

H = Honorary Degree

* = Deceased


President Gregory H., H ’91* and Deborah M. Adamian

Robert E. Alan ’91

Thomas P. ’82 and Denise M. (Aube) ’82 Alber, P ’12

Robert R. Anderson ’59 

Leticia & Eduardo Azar Foundation

Robert P. ’74 and Kalliope Badavas

Adams W. Bartelli ’22*

Bruce R. ’73 and Patricia A. Bartlett

Roger J. ’79 and Sondra Beit, P ’19

Benjamin ’21, H ’95* and Anne* Brown

Roy W. Buck ’36*

Bernard, H ’93 and Kathleen Cammarata

J. Terence ’77 and Sharon Carleton, P ’09 and James J. Carleton ’39*

John T. ’69, H ’02 and Amy Collins, P ’02

J. Paul ’83 and Susan Condrin, P ’19 ’22

Jack, H ’10 and Pamela M. Cumming, P ’12/’13 ’15/’17

Arthur T. ’77 and Maureen Demoulas, P ’15

Bryon G., MSF ’85 and Cynthia M. (Marcille), MSF ’87 Deysher

Louis T. ’37* and Barbara B.* Falcone, P ’94

William C. ’74 and Angela C. (Weber) ’74 Freda

Alfred E. ’27* and Helen A.* Fredericks

Thomas F. Goldman*

Robert I. Goldman*

Timothy Berlin ’76, H ’05* and Nancy C. Harbert, P ’10 ’12

Clarence B. ’55* and Lucy P.* Hodgdon

David ’55 and Elizabeth* Hughey, P ’01

Gary A. ’66, H ’98 and Carole Jennison and the Jennison Charitable Foundation

Dorothy Johnson-Lamberton* and R. Curtis Lamberton*

Darald R. ’40* and Juliet R.* Libby

Steven P. ’73 and Christine S. (Smith) ’73 Manfredi, P ’10

I. Norman ’78 and Micki Massry, P ’08/’09

Elkin B. ’67, H ’97 and Donna McCallum

Elwynn J. Miller ’49*

Nathan R. ’54, H ’00* and Lillian L.* Miller

Steven C. ’83 and Beth Millner

Moglia Family Foundation

Herbert J.* and Beverly J. Myers

Gordon A. ’80, Annellen ’80, Brenton E. ’08 and Michael B. ’19 Pulsifer

Henry E. ’24, H ’80* and Alice* Rauch

John E. ’33, H ’89* and Elizabeth L.* Rhodes

Robert J. ’66* and Muriel D., MST ’99 Schadee

Chester B. ’33* and Verne* Slade

Christopher R. Smith ’91, MBA ’92, P ’19 ’24

Gregory D. Smith ’91*

Robert F. ’53, H ’97 and Miriam D. Smith

Stephen B. ’08 and Samantha Somers

Louis P. “Dan”* and Jeanne Valente

Edward G., P ’02, Karen C., MBA ’01 and Kristina W., MBA ’02 Watkins

The David and Elayne Weener Family Foundation

Joel B. ’58, H ’02* and Christina* Wilder

Norman M. Wise ’65

Brian T. ’74 and Mary Ann Zino