Database of the Month: Doing Business Project from The World Bank
May 21, 2014
The Doing Business Project (DBP) - a free resource provided by The World Bank - is an essential source of information about business regulations and their enforcement for 189 economies and selected cities at the subnational and regional level. Doing Business focuses on regulations affecting domestic small and medium-size companies. Annual Doing Business reports are available back to 2004 and can be downloaded in PDF format, but researchers may find that the best way to get started is to select an economy from the homepage. This will retrieve the economy's Ease of Doing Business ranking and business regulation summary information.
Ease of Doing Business
Choose an economy from the Explore Economy Data drop-down box to retrieve Ease of Doing Business ranking information for that economy. Topics considered in the rankings include:
For example, here is the Ease of Doing Business In Ghana table:
Doing Business provides business regulation data from 2003 to the present. Each economy's snapshot contains detailed information on the topics included in the Ease of Doing Business ranking. For example, here is a detailed view of the "Starting a Business In Ghana" data:
Economy Rankings
Doing Business ranks all economies on their ease of doing business, from 1 – 189. Rankings are available for economies, regions, selected cities, income and population.
Law Library
The Doing Business Law Library contains information on business laws and regulations. According to the Doing Business Project, "The Doing Business law library is the largest free online collection of business laws and regulations. We link to official government sources wherever possible. Translations are not official unless indicated otherwise. We update the collection regularly but are unable to guarantee that laws are the most recent version."
Other Doing Business Project reports and information
Access the Doing Business Project / Get More Information
Researchers can access the Doing Business project online at http://www.doingbusiness.org/, or via the library's Databases A-Z and International Business Databases pages. More information about the Doing Business Project's objectives, coverage, methodology and data is available in this About Doing Business Guide.
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