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Course Reserves

Course instructors place items on reserves to provide access to material required for assignments to all students enrolled in a particular class. Reserve items are placed on reserve each semester/session and are located in the reserve stacks behind the Library Services desk.

There are two types of course reserve collections:

  • Physical Reserves are printed material (books, journals, etc.) placed on course reserve by your instructor and made available for students to borrow for a limited period of time. Click the button below to search for physical reserves. You may search by instructor’s last name, or by course number.
  • Students studying remotely can request a chapter or portion of an item on Physical Reserves be scanned and sent to them digitally. Please submit a Scan on Demand request. All copyright restrictions apply.
  • Electronic Reserves or e-reserves are readings posted electronically to your course’s Brightspace site by the instructor for you to access.

Search Course Reserves

Search the Course Reserve collection by either a course number or a professor's last name.


Course Reserves Information for Faculty

Placing items on course reserve ensures that all of your students will have access to the material required for assignments in a particular class.

Place Material on Reserve

Contact Library Services

Course Reserve FAQs

How do I borrow a Course Reserve?
  • To borrow a reserve item, present your current Bentley ID with the title of the item you wish to check out
  • To find out what your instructor has placed on reserve, you can search the library’s online catalog by either course number or instructor
  • All physical reserve items will be removed from the reserve collection at the conclusion of the semester
How long can I use a Course Reserve item?

To ensure that every student is afforded access, loan periods on reserve items are typically very brief. They are determined by your instructor and can be any one of the following:

  • 2-hours – library use only
  • 4-hours – library use only
  • 24-hours
  • 1-week


Can I place a hold on a Course Reserve?

No. Items placed on physical course reserve in the library are first come, first serve and cannot be placed on hold.

Can I renew a Course Reserve?

No. To ensure that all students in a class have the same access to the material, course reserves cannot be renewed.

How do I access electronic Course Reserves?
  • Assigned electronic reserve readings are available in the Resources module of your Brightspace site.
  • Electronic reserve readings are usually digitized print content in PDF format or links to licensed electronic resources (in most cases e-journal articles or streaming films).
  • Access to electronic reserve readings will be terminated at the conclusion of the semester.
Will I accrue fines on Course Reserve items?

Because material on course reserve is made available for a large number of students, overdue charges will be levied against items returned late. Students are responsible for the timely return of all reserve items borrowed, whether or not any reminders or notices are received from the library.

  • Late charges are assessed for each item overdue at $1.00 per hour with a maximum fine of $28.00 per item.
  • There is no grace period for overdue reserve items.