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Services for Faculty & Staff


Find out more about your borrowing privileges from the library. Your university ID acts as your library card to check out material.


ILL & Scan on Demand

Learn how to request items from other libraries or how to request digitized selections from items in our own collection.

Interlibrary Loan

Research Instruction

Research instruction classes are designed to help students develop the ability to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively.


Course Reserves

Placing items on course reserve ensures that all of your students will have access to the material required for assignments in a particular class.

Course Reserves

Liaison Librarians

Liaisons serve as a main point of contact between your department and the library, acting as a resource and collaborator. 

Find Your Liaison

Open Educational Resources

Discover the benefits of Open Educational Resources (OER), where to find them, and how to use open licenses.

Request OER Consultation

Museum Passes

The Bentley Library Museum Pass Program allows current Bentley University faculty & staff to enjoy the art, culture, and history of numerous local museums.

Museum Passes

Beyond Bentley

Find out about borrowing privileges at other area libraries.

Beyond Bentley


A digital archive that collects and preserves the intellectual output of Bentley faculty and students.


It's Your Library: A Guidebook for Faculty

Learn how the Bentley Library can support your teaching and research.

Information for Retired Bentley Faculty & Staff

Retired Bentley Faculty and Staff may continue to use the library on-site with visitor access privileges. Bentley Faculty who are granted emeritus status upon retirement may retain full library access privileges including remote access to electronic resources.