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Services and Resources for Alumni and Visitors

Visiting the Library

Open to the public, the Bentley Library welcomes all alumni and visitors who wish to use services, collections, and resources in the building as described on this page. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian while in the library.  Before visiting campus, review Bentley University's current guidelines for a healthy and safe campus.

Bentley Library is building number 54 on the campus map. Visitor parking is noted on the map as lots L1E and L2. The library is easily identified in the heart of upper campus by its clock tower.

Bentley Alumni Borrowing Privileges

Bentley Alumni may use their Bentley University alumni ID card to borrow materials from the Bentley Library. View the borrowing privileges page for information about Bentley Library loan periods and fines. To receive your Bentley University alumni ID card, please visit the Card Office in the University Police Station, or contact for more assistance. 

Visitor Borrowing

Visitor borrowing privileges are extended to Boston Library Consortium (BLC) members and Waltham residents. Check the Borrowing page for details.

Access to Databases and Online Resources

Alumni and visitors are granted access to many of the library's online databases and electronic resources while on campus using a library computer. However, some resources are restricted to current faculty, students, and staff. If you are interested in using a specific database, please contact the Reference Desk at 781.891.2300 or before visiting. Licensing agreements prevent the library from providing off-campus database access to anyone who is not a current Bentley University student, faculty, or staff member.

Research Help

Research assistance is available at the Reference Desk and via the library’s Ask a Librarian email, phone, chat and text services. 

Computer and Network Access

Alumni and visitors are welcome to use library computers, although priority for computer use is given to current Bentley University students. Computers may not be available for guest use during peak times.

Wireless network access is available via Bentley University’s guest wireless network. Guest network login credentials may be obtained at the Library Services Desk or the Reference Desk. All guests must adhere to the Bentley University's Acceptable Use Policy when using the guest network or any other Bentley resource.

Printers, Scanners, Copiers and Fax Machine

Black-and-white and color printers are available to use for a fee. Scanners, photocopiers, and a fax machine are available to use at no cost. Scanned documents can be emailed or saved to a flash drive. For more information about printing fees and policies view the printing page.

Bentley University Archives

Looking for old course descriptions, yearbooks, or student newspapers? You are welcome to view this archival material, but since some of our materials are located off-site, we ask that you call or email at least a week in advance to discuss the material you require. For all University Archives inquiries, please call 781-891-2269 or email

Public Library Resources and Services

Public Libraries: A Non-Student's Best Friend

While the Bentley Library cannot provide every service to alumni that we do to our current faculty, staff and students, we can enthusiastically recommend taking advantage of services and resources at your local public library. In addition to physical book and media collections, public libraries provide databases and electronic resources that can be accessed online using your public library card. Many public libraries also provide meeting rooms, museum passes, technology workshops, and job search resources.

Massachusetts Residents

If you are a Massachusetts resident, you may obtain a borrowing card at your local public library which grants you remote access to research databases, online magazines, newspapers and journals, downloadable eBooks and audiobooks, digital magazines, and streaming media. Visit the Massachusetts Libraries website if you need help locating your local library.

Anyone who lives, works or goes to school in Massachusetts is eligible for a Boston Public Library card, which grants access to the libraries’ collections and spaces. If you are unable to visit the Boston Public Library in person, you may register online for a Boston Public Library eCard (virtual library card), which provides immediate access to all of the Boston Public Library's remotely-accessible electronic resources, including databases, digital magazines, downloadable audio, video, eBooks and music, and streaming media. Visit the BPL's website to learn more about BPL library cards and to apply for a BPL eCard.