Database of the Month - Uniworld Online
September 26, 2016
Uniworld Online is an online business directory that began as two print directories: American Firms Operating in Foreign Countries and Foreign Firms Operating in the United States. It provides information on headquarters, subsidiaries, and branches (including retail locations) of multinational firms that have offices in more than one country. Both public and private companies are included. Users often turn to Uniworld to locate corporate hierarchy and/or contact information, develop a list of desired companies for job-seeking purposes, generate sales leads, and to find out the location of a company's worldwide offices.
Search Keys
The search interface is straightforward, with clearly labeled search boxes. Ways of searching include:
- Keyword
- Type of company: public or private
- Hierarchy status: parent, domestic subsidiary or international subsidiary
- Country: Domestic or international location of headquarters
- Industry code: NAICS code from 2 to 6 digits
- Zip/postal code: exact domestic/international code or within a specified radius
- Other geography: states/provinces within international countries
- Other business elements: Revenue or number of employees
Search Results
Directory information for American Eagle Outfitters, Inc.
In addition to standard directory information such as address, website, email and telephone numbers, each company entry includes relevant NAICS codes (useful if you're conducting company or industry research) and, in the case of retailers, information about local branches (listed as subsidiaries).
Save Searches
Uniworld allows you to save searches using the "My Account" feature. Bentley provides a common user account to which searches can be saved, and searches stay in the account until the user deletes them.
Database Help
Uniworld provides a user guide that walks you through using the database. Report samples of Web, PDF and Excel files are also available for viewing.
Connect to this Database
Please visit the Uniworld Online page to start your research. Please note that this resource is available for on-campus users only.
Database of the Month provides a very brief introduction to a database available from the Library’s website, highlighting key features of the database that you should know about. If you would like more information about this database (or any of the library’s databases), please contact us for research assistance. If you would like a demonstration of this database for a class, please schedule a research instruction class.