New Faculty Publications 2020-2021
April 27, 2021
This spring, the Bentley Library joins the Valente Center in celebrating Bentley faculty whose books are forthcoming or have been published over the past academic year.
The Faculty Publications Collection highlights titles authored by Bentley faculty over the past ten years. The physical collection is permanently displayed next to the Reference Desk. The full list of Bentley faculty publications in our catalog may be viewed online. Individual titles are also discoverable via Worldcat.org.
Here are the newest additions to the Faculty Publications collection:
Open Access resources, free to download:
- New Cosmopolitanisms, Race, and Ethnicity by Samir Dayal
- Black Lives Matter: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Studies of Race and Systemic Racism in Everyday Interaction by Anne Rawls
Kindle ebook, available at Amazon:
Printed copies:
- Global Business, Third Edition: An Economic, Social and Environmental Perspective by Nader Asgary
- 97 Things Every UX Practitioner Should Know by Dan Berlin
- Data Science for Mathematicians by Nathan Carter
- Business & Society: Ethical and Digital Environments by Cynthia Clark
- Giving Voice to Values in the Boardroom by Cynthia Clark
- Corporate Governance and Board Decisions by Martin Conyon
- Business Law for Entrepreneurs by Jonathan Darrow
- Foreign Direct Investment in the Successor States of Yugoslavia by Joel Deichmann
- Struggles and Successes in the Pursuit of Sustainable Development by Patricia Flynn
- Women's Entrepreneurship and Culture by Tatiana Manolova
- Financial Markets and Institutions: Eighth Edition by Otgo Erhemjamts and Marcia Cornett
- Systems Analysis & Design in an Age of Options by Heikki Topi
- Business Ethics, Seventh Edition: a Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach by Joseph Weiss
- Social Media, Political Marketing and the 2016 U.S. Election by Christine Williams
We congratulate these faculty for their contributions to their respective fields!
Scholars @ Bentley
We also encourage all faculty to contribute work to Scholars @ Bentley, our digital archive. Scholars @ Bentley collects and preserves the intellectual output of Bentley faculty. We invite faculty to contribute book citations and other work by emailing us at scholars@bentley.edu. If you have not previously submitted work to Scholars @ Bentley, please fill out our one-time Contributor Agreement Form to start the process.