Spring Updates: Face Coverings, Study Room Reservations & More
January 24, 2022
Welcome back from winter break! We are looking forward to seeing you in the library and ask for your help in keeping it a healthy and welcoming space for all members of our community.
Face Coverings
Per Bentley University guidelines, proper face coverings are required in all areas of the building. This includes group study rooms, which are not private offices. You are responsible for bringing your own face covering with you; the library does not have a supply of masks to distribute. We also ask that you perform a daily health self-check and stay home if you are not feeling well. With your cooperation we can all enjoy the library as a safe place to work, study, collaborate, and relax.
Study Room Reservation System Updates
New this semester: In order to provide equitable access to rooms, we are requiring that you “check in” to your reservations within 15 minutes of the start time. This is to ensure that people are actually using the rooms they have reserved. If you do not check in, your reservation will be canceled. Email reminders will be sent to the person who made the reservation, and you can check in either on the app or the website. In the coming weeks, we will be installing new screens outside the rooms, creating a third way for you to make reservations and check-in!
Reservations are available through the campus wide Event Management System (EMS). Groups can book a room for 2 hours per day up to 2 weeks in advance using the online reservation system or the EMS app. Rooms cannot be reserved for individual study. Visit the Group Study Rooms page to view the study room policies, and check out our guide to learn how to make reservations and use the app.
If you experience any problems viewing rooms on the EMS website or with downloading the app please contact Library Services for help. Visit the desk in person at the library, email libraryservices@bentley.edu, or call 781.891.2168.
New Changes Coming to the Bentley Library Online Experience in 2022
Our library team is working on some exciting new changes that we’re pleased to be able to provide for the Bentley community. Later in 2022, we’ll be implementing a new, more robust search experience and refreshing our website. You may notice some small changes over the coming months as we make our preparations. We’ll be sharing more information as our transition dates approach so stay tuned!
Course Reserves
Search the Course Reserves site to see if your professor has set aside a copy of the textbook or other required materials for your class. You can also check the “Syllabus” section of your Blackboard site for a direct link to the library reserves list for your class.
If you are a remote student, you may place Interlibrary Loan and Scan on Demand requests for books, articles and book chapters (including selections from those that are on Course Reserve). If you have any questions, please contact our Interlibrary Loan Department by sending an email to interlibloan@bentley.edu.
Library Hours & Inclement Weather Closings
The library’s spring semester hours are Sunday 10:00 a.m.-midnight, Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.-midnight, Friday 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., and Saturday 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Please note that our hours will change during Spring Break and the Patriots' Day holiday weekend. For more information about library, research help, or help desk hours, please view the online hours calendar.
During the winter months the library's hours may be impacted by inclement weather. When the University is closed for weather, so is the library. If the library needs to make an emergency closing outside of "regular" university hours (late at night or on the weekend), we will make announcements on our social media channels and via email. Follow @BentleyLibrary on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to stay up to date.
Visit the Library Status and Services page for more information about the library’s current operations, services, and policies. We will be keeping that page updated throughout the semester. Current University guidelines are available on the Back to Bentley site.
Please contact us if you have any questions or need help finding materials, accessing electronic resources, or conducting research. Have a great semester!