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Event Localist User Guide

The Bentley University Event Localist page serves as a dynamic central hub for all university events and announcements, replacing the static PDF calendar with a modern, customizable system. The localist allows channel managers and administrators to promote hundreds of university-wide and departmental events seamlessly, integrating them directly into students' calendars. This streamlined approach enhances engagement and increases event attendance by making it easier than ever for students and faculty to stay informed and involved.

Channel Managers

Channel managers can submit requests for department-specific event and announcement uploads, with full control over dates, details, imagery, etc.

Upload Instructions


Moderators are able to monitor, upload, and approve event and announcement requests for both departmental and university-wide events.

Upload Instructions

Create a Localist Channel

Screenshot of my Bentley Announcement


Our updated MyBentley landing page includes a new announcement feature that enables channel managers and Localist administrators to seamlessly integrate announcements from Bentley Localist directly into MyBentley. This feature also allows users to filter announcements, making it easier to access information tailored to faculty, students, or both. Announcents can also be accesed directly on the Bentley Event Localist. 


The new Bentley Localist allows users and editors to view and save university-wide and departmental events. Events are displayed in order of occurrence and provide details such as the date, time, and location, along with the option to add them to personal device calendars. Each event must include a related image with alternative text for accessibility purposes. Images must be smaller than 10MB and be a minimum of 940px by 557px.

Screenshot of Events on Bentley localist

Channel Managers

Event Tutorial

Announcement Tutorial


Placeholder for Tutorial Video

Placeholder for Tutorial Video

Localist Training: Event Management

Discover how to effectively manage and create events with Localist in our training session for new users.

Wednesday, Feb 19th at 10:30 AM

Thursday, March 20th at 10:30 AM