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Around Campus

Highest Honors

January 28, 2019
New Honors Program Director Christian Rubio Pushes Students to Be Their Best Christian Rubio likes a challenge. It’s one of the reasons he has been working with honors students for much of his teaching career —… Christian Rubio is the new director of the Honors Program at Bentley, which serves the university’s most academically advanced and intellectually curious students.

A Tree Of Hope Blooms

December 17, 2018
Students, staff and faculty created a "Tree of Life" -- 331 messages of hope, love and support -- and sent it to a synagogue in Pittsburgh after an attack there left 11 people dead.

Remembering Michael Hoffman

December 7, 2018
President Davis-Blake's message to the community after the death of Michael Hoffman, founder of Bentley's W. Michael Hoffman Center for Business Ethics. 

A Global Spin on Learning

December 3, 2018

There is more to cultural understanding than appreciating another country’s cuisine or clothing. Meaningful connections are more likely forged through personal stories about daily life and experiences in other countries. That is the inspiration for a program offered through the Center for International Students and Scholars (CISS).

The Falcon Files

December 3, 2018
A look back at dining through the decades at Bentley.

Workshops for Staff Kick Off Week-Long Inauguration Celebration

October 16, 2018
Bentley kicked off a week-long celebration to mark the inauguration of President Alison Davis-Blake with a series of workshops for staff that focused on energizing co-workers and building a positive organization. 

Bentley Awarded $300,000 to Strengthen Sexual Violence Prevention

August 29, 2018
Bentley was awarded a $300,000 federal grant to strengthen efforts to prevent sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking among students of color, LGBTQ and international students. 

Built for Community

August 24, 2018

Gleaming walls of glass stretch skyward. A contoured concrete façade animated with flecks of mica simulates skate blades on ice. More than 400 linear feet of LED lights reflect off the soaring roofline, beacons of blue as night falls. The Bentley Arena makes a dramatic first impression. What happens inside eclipses even the sleek lines and grand physicality of the exterior. Designed by ARC/Architectural Resources Cambridge, the arena is an MVP in building knowledge and skills, pride and community — and more.

Bentley Welcomes the Class of 2022

August 22, 2018
More than 1,000 first-year students arrived on the Bentley campus today for “Move-in Day,” carting and carrying belongings into dorm rooms, meeting new roommates and friends, and officially kicking off their college experience.

A New Leader for our Second Century

July 3, 2018
Bentley welcomes Dr. Alison Davis-Blake as our eighth president. Read her introductory message to the Bentley community.