Many students inquire about whether they can participate in a volunteer experience during their time at Bentley. Bentley students on F-1 visas may participate in volunteer experiences that meet the following criteria:
1. The volunteer arrangement cannot be directly related to your field of study*
2. The volunteer position must be unpaid
3. The volunteer position must be in either a public sector or non-profit charitable organization
4. The volunteer arrangement should not be similar enough to an internship that it could be interpreted as such by any definition of employment; volunteers cannot perform tasks that would otherwise be defined as “internship” or “employment”
For more information, please reference the standards outlined by the US Department of Labor. If you have questions about volunteering versus work authorization, please contact CISS for clarification.
Generally, unpaid volunteer positions at organizations specified above where the student volunteers without expectation of compensation are permissible. However, unpaid internships must be authorized as CPT, and the distinction is important. Any volunteer situation that could be interpreted as employment (if it is able to be listed on a resume as “professional experience”) could jeopardize future US visa petitions and employment permission for students if the student does not officially use CPT for that employment experience.
For more information, please reference the standards outlined by the US Department of Labor. If you have questions about volunteering versus work authorization, please contact CISS for clarification.