The first Give 'N Go was launched on December 6, 2010. The program encourages residential students to donate nonperishable food, usable clothing, electronics, furniture and books as they move out of the residence halls, instead of throwing these items away. The program includes a swap component to promote reuse on campus by encouraging students to reuse items donated by their peers.
2017 was the seventh anniversary of Give ‘N Go on Bentley’s Campus. The past years have been successful, diverting over 22,000 pounds of material from the landfill in spring 2018 alone. The Office of Sustainability reorganized the program for Spring 2013 by using temporary tents rather than PODS. This increased effectiveness and efficiency. In 2014 we added extra hours and extra locations to the tent system. In 2016 we were able to divert 15,199 pounds of material.