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Student Educators Program

The Student Educators Program empowers Bentley students to encourage their peers to properly sort waste on campus. This program is offered each fall but is also offered asynchronously, allowing students to learn at their own pace. The training will not only help Student Educators understand how to sort waste properly but also be able to think about waste as a global and intersectional issue and how Bentley University is combating waste. 

Bentley students who wish to be certified as a Student Educator should take the next steps of training ten other students. This training can be informal, but we provide PowerPoints, interactive games and pre and post surveys to help. 

Anyone who is interested in becoming a Student Educator should contact the Office of Sustainability at

Program’s Benefits

Resume Builder

If you complete this program you will receive a certificate of completion and have developed leadership skills.

Fulfills BentleyPlus Competencies

Ethical Reasoning 
Community Engagement 
Identity Awareness 

Learn more about BentleyPlus

Volunteer Hours

Educating your peers on proper waste sorting techniques benefits the local and global community

Making a Difference on Campus

Help Bentley reach its goal of reducing the total volume of materials disposed of across campus by 10% by teaching students about the recycling and compost programs around campus. 

Training Video


  • Overview of Student Educators
  • Waste as a Global Issue
  • Waste Management at Bentley
  • How to Sort Your Waste
  • Next Steps

Training Video

screenshot of student educators training video

Next Steps

Step 1

To become certified, give the Waste Minimization Presentation to a total of ten people.

This can be in a formal or informal setting. We suggest splitting it into two groups of five.

Waste Minimization Presentation

Step 2

Have the people you train fill out the pre and post survey to get credit for the presentation.

On the surveys, make sure your peers use your full First and Last name as seen on your Bentley ID, capitalizing the first letters of each name. This helps us ensure that we accurately count the surveys towards your certification.

Pre Survey

Post Survey

Step 3

When you have given the presentation to ten people, you must fill out the Strengths and Improvements Survey Student Educator Post-Survey.

On the surveys, make sure your peers use your full First and Last name as seen on your Bentley ID, capitalizing the first letters of each name. This helps us ensure that we accurately count the surveys towards your certification.

Student Educators Post-Survey

Step 4

Email the Office of Sustainability. We will send you your certificate of completion.

When you fill out this form please put “Online Training” in for the question “Who was your Student Educator”.

Email the Office of Sustainability