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Parking and Driving

Properly Registered and Insured

All vehicles parking in University parking lots must be properly registered and insured. Unregistered and/or uninsured vehicles are subject to being towed at the owners expense.

Permit Changes

If you have a new car or need to change your parking permit, please use the request form to void your permit to notify us of the change.

Registering Your Vehicle for a Bentley Parking Permit

Parking decals are issued by University Police and are required in order to park in university parking lots. Each student, faculty, and staff member who operates or parks a motor vehicle or motorcycle on the property of Bentley University must register their vehicle with the University Police and obtain a campus parking permit.

Once you have registered your vehicle online, you can pick up your parking decal at the University Police station at the start of the next Spring or Fall semester. Bring your valid driver's license, valid motor vehicle registration, and Bentley ID card.

Decals must be permanently affixed to the lower passenger side front window (do not block view to your side view mirror). If windows are tinted, apply to inside front windshield in lower corner on driver’s side. Only one decal can be displayed on your vehicle; displaying more than one decal may result in a parking citation. They are not transferable. 

To register your vehicle, please fill out the Permit Request form

Student Parking Fees

The fee for the parking decal is a one-time, non-refundable fee good for the semester. The fee is the same whether you request a decal at the start of the semester or at any other time during a semester and it will not be pro-rated. Once a new parking decal is obtained, students are only required to replace the parking decal if they have a change in residents status or vehicle. The fee will be renewed each semester as long as the student is registered for classes that semester.

The following fees will be assessed for student parking decals:
Resident students (Undergrad and Grad) - $87.50 per semester

Commuter Day & Evening (Undergrad) - $50.00 per semester

Commuter Grad - $37.50 per semester

All students must have a parking decal or temporary pass at all times on their vehicles.  Students that do not purchase a decal or temporary pass cannot park on campus at any time, including the weekends.

Lost Parking Decals

Any student who loses their parking decal will be required to purchase an additional decal and will be responsible for both decal fees. If the decal that was reported lost is turned into the University Police the student will be notified and have their account refunded.  If a decal that has been reported lost is found on another student’s vehicle, then the student responsible for the vehicle will be charged for the parking decal, judicial charges may be filed, and the original permit holder will be refunded.

Out-of-State Students

Massachusetts General Law Chapter 90, Section 3 requires every non-Massachusetts resident enrolled as at a school or college in the commonwealth and who operates a motor vehicle in another state or country during any period beginning September 1 of any year and ending August 31 of the following year to:

  • Maintain Massachusetts-mandated insurance coverage of the vehicle
  • Complete the online Non-Resident Driver Statement  and Submit it
  • The form for will be automatically be sent to the Card Office and you will be permittted to obtain and properly affix a non-resident decal/sticker to the vehicle

In addition, the law also requires all schools (except secondary schools), colleges and universities to:

  • Provide the non-resident student with the Non-Resident Driver Statement
  • Issue non-resident decals/stickers
  • Maintain a register containing certain information relative to students who operate out-of-state registered vehicles in Massachusetts

Failure to file the Non Resident Driver Statement (and obtain a non-resident decal) is punishable by a fine not to exceed $200.00.

Note: The non-resident decal is separate from the university's parking decal. There is no charge for a non-resident decal. 

First-Year Resident Students

First year resident students are not allowed to have vehicles on campus. Some exceptions for medical and/or financial hardships may be made on a limited basis. Documentation confirming such a hardship will be required. The fee for parking, if authorized, is $87.50 per semester. First year resident students must request special permission to park on campus by submitting a written request through the first-year parking request form.  

First year students granted parking privileges must comply with very strict guidelines.  Written guidelines are provided and each first year resident student is required to sign an agreement acknowledging their understanding of the strict parking guidelines. Violation of these guidelines may result in the towing of the student’s vehicle, revocation of parking privileges and judicial referral. First-Years with decals or passes are only allowed to park in Lot 1W closest to Forest St.  Upper class students may not procure parking decals or passes for first year students. Those who attempt to do so will face disciplinary action and revocation of their own parking privileges. Parking violations appeals will not be allowed for first-years who violated the strict guidelines imposed. 

Where to Park

Vehicles must be parked in white, lined spaces only. All parking lots have signs designating who is authorized to park there; all lots are denoted in our campus parking map.

The yellow commuter parking decal authorizes students to park in regular spaces in university lots designated for commuters.  Vehicles with yellow stickers are not allowed to park in spaces reserved for visitors, faculty, staff, resident students, or spaces specifically marked for special purposes.

The red resident parking decal authorizes students to park in lots designated for resident parking.  Vehicles with red stickers are not allowed to park in spaces reserved for visitors, faculty, staff, commuter students, or spaces specifically marked for special purposes.

The green North Campus resident decal authorizes students to park in the North Campus lots and commuter spaces in other parts of the campus. Vehicles with green stickers are not allowed to park in spaces reserved for faculty, staff, or spaces specifically marked for special purposes.

Parking in handicapped spaces is only allowed with a state-issued handicapped placard or temporary city-issued pass.

If you are having trouble locating a place to park, contact us at 781.891.2201 for assistance locating a legal parking space.

Overnight Parking

Staff and Faculty requesting long term overnight parking may do so by submitting a Motor Vehicle Storage Agreement. All short term requests should be directed to the Communications Center, located in the University Police station. Please reference the  Motor Vehicle Storage section below for further information.

Properly registered student vehicles are authorized to park overnight in all resident student parking lots.

Visitor and Guest Parking

All visitors and guests are required to park in Lot#2. The host is required to inform guests of all-parking rules and regulations on campus. Those who park in any other lot are subject to tickets and fines.  Bentley community members are not authorized to park in visitor parking, even when using an alternate vehicle.

Second Motor Vehicle

If you need to use a second motor vehicle you must purchase a second decal or temporary pass. If you must use another vehicle temporarily (for example when your primary vehicle is in the repair shop), you must obtain a special temporary hangtag permit from University Police. This pass will be issued, at no charge if proof of the repairs is shown or verified. The temporary decal must be displayed by hanging it on the vehicle’s rear view mirror.

Handicapped Parking

Handicapped parking spaces are restricted to vehicles displaying a valid handicapped placard issued by the Registry of Motor Vehicles, or a temporary handicapped pass issued by the City of Waltham.

Temporary passes are issued by the City of Waltham to those who demonstrate a need for handicapped parking due to a temporary medical condition. Medical documentation from a physician must be provided when applying for a temporary pass and should specifically indicate the duration for which a parking pass will be needed. Further information regarding temporary disability passes can be found here


We issue jumpstart kits for disabled vehicles. To request a kit, you must come to the University Police station with your ID card to pick up the jumper kit and complete the form. This service is offered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Winter Parking Information and Restrictions

We depend on the cooperation of the community for successful snow removal. Please help Bentley’s Facilities Management Department get the job done quickly and efficiently. Effective Jan. 1 through March 31 of each year, certain parking areas may need to be vacated to assist with plowing and snow removal.

Additional information about inclement weather procedures can be found here

View the Campus Snow Parking Map

Motor Vehicle Storage

Long- and short-term vehicle storage is available for students, staff and faculty. To request storage, you must complete the Motor Vehicle Storage Form and submit it to University Police prior to leaving your vehicle on campus.

Any vehicle that is allowed to remain on campus must be properly registered, permitted, and insured. University Police will instruct you where to park your vehicle on campus.

Replacement Decals

Additional Info for requesting a replacement decal, including last year's first-years.

Follow the instructions below if you are a:

  • Commuter student transitioning to a resident student 
  • Resident student transitioning to a commuter student
  • Previous first-years and you purchased a parking decal during the previous academic year 


  • DECALS DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRE . IT IS THE DECAL OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO VOID A PREVIOUSLY NEEDED DECAL. Decals must be voided before the end of the current grace period in order to receive a refund. Decals voided after the grace period will not be refunded.

Returning with Same Vehicle

If you are returning in the fall/spring with the same vehicle, you will need to do the following:

  1. Bring proof that the other decal has been scraped off, preferably a picture of the decal intact and a picture of the decal half scraped off.
  2. Bring your license, vehicle registration, and Bentley ID with you to the Card Office.  No exceptions.
  3. We will issue you a new commuter/resident decal and the adjustments will be made to your account. You do not have to re-register on the portal. 

Returning with New Vehicle and Same Plate Number

If you are returning in the fall/spring with a different vehicle with the same plate number, you will need to do the following:

  1. Bring proof that the other decal has been scraped off, Preferably a picture of the decal intact and a picture of the decal half scraped off.
  2. Bring your license, vehicle registration, and Bentley ID with you to the Card Office. No exceptions. 
  3. We will issue you a new commuter/resident decal and the adjustments will be made to your account. You do not have to re-register on the portal.

Returning with New Vehicle and Different Plate Number

If you are returning in the fall/spring with a different vehicle, you will need to do the following:

  1. Bring proof that the decal has been scraped off, preferably a picture of the decal intact and a picture of the decal half scraped off.
  2. You must request another parking permit online. Go to student self-service, personal info, and select request a parking permit.
  3. Bring your license, vehicle registration, and Bentley ID with you to the Card Office. There are no exceptions. 
  4.  We will issue you a new commuter/resident decal and the adjustments will be made to your account.

Returning Without a Vehicle

If you are returning without a vehicle and want a refund, you will need to do the following prior to the second week of the semester:

  1. Email with a picture of your parking decal intact and a picture of the decal half scraped off. Please state in the email that you will no longer have a vehicle on campus and include your name, student ID number, and the license plate number of the vehicle to which the decal was affixed. The decal will be expired and voided, which will allow for the parking fee to be taken off of your student account.
  2. Last year first-years only: Your account was not charged, so you do not have to do the above unless you were charged.

Please direct any questions to or contact the Card Office at 781.891.2292.

Temporary Parking Passes (Hang Tag Passes)

All students, except first-years, who do not purchase the parking decal are allowed three one-day passes, to be used on individual days or all at one time each semester at no cost. If you need to have a vehicle on campus after using the allotted free passes, you must purchase a temporary pass.

The cost for temporary passes is $25.00 for one week or $50.00 for a month for any type of pass. All parking rules and regulations set forth by the university apply to the temporary passes and the necessary documentation brought to University Police when picking up the temporary decal.

You can purchase a temporary decal by applying and paying for the decal online. (NOTE: The receipt you print out is not the pass and should not be placed in the vehicle as a pass). Temporary passes are also available for purchase with your Falcon Funds at the Card Office during their normal business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 3:30 pm).  No decal or pass will be issued without the proper documentation and receipt.

If you choose to purchase the pass online, print out the receipt and bring it with the necessary vehicle and license documentation to the University Police dispatch center or Card Office and you will be provided with a temporary decal.  The pass is not valid until picked up at University Police and displayed on the vehicles rear view mirror.