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Workday Student

Resources for Students

If you're a student, you'll use Workday Student to view your schedule and grades, access schedule planner, register for classes, add, drop, or swap classes, see your housing assignment, view your financial aid, pay your bill or request a refund, and access Degree Works and Blackboard. 

Step-By-Step Guides

Getting Started
Onboarding for Students

Viewing My Hold(s)
Viewing My Grades
Viewing Interim Grades (Progress Reports)
Viewing Course History
Adding/Dropping or Swapping a Class in Workday
Changing, Adding or Dropping Your Program of Study (Undergraduate)
Registering for Classes in Workday
Registering using Schedule Planner (Continuing Students)
Using Workday and Scheduler Planner to Register for Courses
Applying for Program Completion
Adding Course(s) To Complete Registration Transfer Students
Registering for Your First Term Courses
Adding Courses to Complete Registration First Year Students

Student Finances
Viewing My Financial Aid
Providing 3rd Party Access to My Account
Viewing Student Account Status and Generating a Statement
Setting Up Payment and Refund Elections
Paying My Bill Online
Requesting a Refund
Setting Up / Enrolling in a Payment Plan

Accessing your Student Profile
Viewing Housing Assignment
Accessing Quick Links  - Blackboard, Degree Works, Falcon Funds, etc.
Updating Your Mobile Phone

Coming Soon:
Viewing my Unofficial Transcript
Finding My Classrooms
Logging In to DegreeWorks
Looking Up Available Courses
Applying for Work Study Position

Get help with key tasks:

Workday button for Faculty  Student button  Workday button for Staff  Workday button for Families