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Workday Student


We’re excited to announce that Bentley has moved most MyBentley functions to Workday Student, a cloud-based, mobile-friendly student information system. This change positions Bentley at the forefront of innovation by providing anytime anywhere access for many of the tasks you perform on a regular basis. 

Watch this video to learn more about how this change impacts you, specifically.

Logging In

You can log in to Workday by going to MyBentley and clicking on the Workday link in the "Connect" section.

Step-by-Step Guides

Get help with key tasks:

Workday button for Faculty  Student button  Workday button for Staff  Workday button for Families



If you're a faculty member, you'll use Workday Student to enter and change final grades, find your course schedule, check enrollments, view class rosters, review advisees, find your classroom, and more. 

If you're a student, you'll use your Workday Student to view your schedule and grades, access schedule planner, register for classes, add, drop, or swap classes, see your housing assignment, view your financial aid, pay your bill or request a refund, access Degree Works and Brightspace. 

If you're a staff member, you'll use Workday Student to find student information, buy tickets to events, add money to Falcon Funds, and view or change your personal information.

If you're a parent or guardian of a Bentley student, you'll use Workday Student to view the student account and pay a bill.