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The Bentley Care Team

Promoting community well-being by helping students achieve personal and academic success

We understand that our students may experience a variety of academic and personal challenges during their time at Bentley. The Care Team, a small group of staff members from Student Affairs and Academic Services, works collaboratively with partners across campus to follow up with students who may benefit from support to connect them with the resources or services they need.

If you have a non-urgent concern for a Bentley student, we first encourage you to invite the student to speak privately and check in with them in a kind, compassionate way. Any direct conversation with a student can be supplemented by a referral to a resource on campus and/or by submitting a Care referral to be reviewed by the Care Team. Staff, faculty, students, families, or anyone who knows a Bentley student can submit a Care referral. Submitting a Care referral initiates a review process and coordinated response involving the appropriate individuals, staff, and offices to best support the student of concern.

Please note that Care referrals are only reviewed during University business hours (Monday through Friday 8:30am-4:30pm during the academic year; Monday through Thursday 8am-5:30pm during the summer). After reviewing your referral, a member of the Care Team will typically follow up with you within 1-2 business days and will coordinate any outreach to the student of concern as appropriate.

In cases of emergency, please contact University Police (781.891.3131) for on-campus emergencies or 911 for off-campus emergencies first if the student of concern poses an immediate threat to self or others or if the individual experiences a medical emergency (e.g. seizure, loss of consciousness). The Care Team plays a secondary role to all urgent circumstances and should be contacted only after initial emergency notifications are made.

If you are unsure whether to submit a Care referral, please review the rest of the information on this website. During business hours, you may also contact the Associate Director of Support Services at 781.216.7115 or the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs at 781.891.2161.

Submit a Care Referral