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The Bentley Care Team

Promoting community well-being by helping students achieve personal and academic success

Bentley Care Team Overview

At Bentley, we recognize the diverse challenges our students may encounter during their academic journey. The goal of the Care Team is to connect students with essential resources and services to effectively navigate personal difficulties. We are a small multidisciplinary group of professional staff members on campus who collaborates across the university to support students.

If you have a non-urgent concern for a Bentley student, we encourage a private, empathetic conversation as a first step. You can enhance this support by referring the student to campus resources or submitting a Care referral. Submissions are reviewed during university business hours typically within 1-2 business days.  For emergencies, contact University Police at 781.891.3131 (on-campus) or dial 911 (off-campus). The Care Team plays a secondary role to all urgent circumstances and should be contacted only after initial emergency notifications are made.

If you are unsure whether to submit a Care referral, please review the rest of the information on this website. During business hours, you may also contact the Associate Director of Support Services at 781.216.7115 or the Office of Student Development, Conduct & Care at 781.891.2161.

Help create a campus of care here at Bentley!

Our Care referral system is widely utilized by our community. 364 Care referrals were submitted during the 2023-2024 academic year! Your referral could help provide a student with the support and resources they need. Please note Care referrals are not meant for emergencies and are only reviewed during University business hours (Monday through Friday 8:30am-4:30pm during the academic year; Monday through Thursday 8am-5:30pm during the summer). 

After reviewing your referral, a member of the Care Team will typically follow up with you within 1-2 business days and will coordinate any outreach to the identified student as appropriate.

Submit a Care Referral

Have a Concern for a Student?

Initiate a Conversation

If you notice a student struggling, the most immediate and impactful action you can take is to engage them in a private conversation. This shows the student that someone is aware of their situation and cares about their well-being. Start a conversation in a non-confrontational way, expressing concern and offering support. 

Provide Support and Guidance

During the conversation, it's important to listen without judgment and validate the student’s feelings or experience. You can guide the student towards various campus resources that might help them. Assist them in making the connection if they are open to it and offer to check back in with them again.

Follow Up

Sometimes, a student’s needs may exceed what can be addressed in a personal conversation. If you learn of information that makes you concerned for a student’s immediate physical or mental health, please call University Police (781.891.3131) who are available 24/7. For any non-urgent concerns, submitting a Care referral on the student’s behalf can connect them with a more comprehensive support network.

You May Submit a Care Referral if a Bentley Student You Know is...

Experiencing difficulty transitioning to University life
Displaying a noticeable and/or sudden change in behavior or affect
Having a tough time balancing academics and well-being
Experiencing a significant mental health or physical health concern that may impact their day-to-day functioning
Needing time away from Bentley to focus on well-being (e.g. hospitalization, leave of absence)
Dealing with the illness or death of a family member or friend
Having difficulty managing significant relationship stressors (e.g. divorce of parents, break up of relationship, loss of friendship)
Experiencing financial hardship that impacts ability to afford academic related expenses or basic needs
Facing a process that may result in separation from the University and is in need of additional support
Affected by a national or international event
Submit a Care Referral

Still unsure if you should submit a Care referral?

Visit our FAQs page!

Additional Resources

Care Team Tips For:

24/7 University Resources

Safety Concerns

If you are concerned about your personal safety or the personal safety of someone else at any time, please contact University Police at 781.891.3131 or 911/your local emergency number if you are off campus

On Campus Support

On nights and weekends, Bentley always has at least one professional staff member through the Residential Center who is on call to support students. You can reach them by calling University Police at 781.891.2201 and asking for the Administrator on Duty

Mental Health Support

Clinicans are available to provide mental health support via phone after the Counseling Center is closed. To access, call the main Counseling Center number (781.891.2274) and select the after-hours option

Our cross-department team ensures a holistic approach to student well-being.

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