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Care Team

Bentley Staff helping student

Tips for Staff

Staff play a crucial role in students’ well-being and experience. You often have close connections with students and may be the first to recognize or hear when a student is struggling. If you have a non-urgent concern for a student and would like the Care Team’s assistance in following up with the student, please submit a Care Referral.

Below are examples of signs a staff member may notice that could indicate a student is experiencing challenges and may benefit from a Care referral:

Noticeable Changes in Behavior, Mood, or Appearance
  • Changes in eating or sleeping habits
  • Increased use of alcohol or other substances
  • Engaging in reckless behavior or making choices that are out of character and potentially harmful
  • Increasingly sad, irritable, anxious or angry
  • Disorganized speech or behavior
  • Neglecting personal hygiene like frequency of bathing or changing clothes
  • Looking consistently tired or significantly energized
  • Significant weight change  

Social Withdrawal or Isolation 
  • Avoiding eye contact or physical proximity in situations where they were once comfortable
  • Spending a lot of time alone, avoiding conversations or group activities
  • Less communicative or responsive than usual 
Change in Academic Performance or Engagement
  • Missing classes frequently
  • Difficulty meeting deadlines
  • Gradual or sudden difficulty in grasping concepts that the student previously understood
  • Trouble with motivation or concentration 
Unusual or Repeated Requests for Assistance 
  • Frequently asking for guidance on issues or reassurance on decisions
  • Requests for help in areas where the student previously demonstrated competence 
  • Asking for help with issues that are not typically within the staff member’s role  
Significant Changes in Engagement with Campus Activities
  • Abrupt disinterest in leadership roles or responsibilities they once valued
  • Sudden reluctance to participate in clubs, sports, extracurricular activities or projects 
  • Cancellation of participation in events without clear reasons  
Difficulty in Handling Administrative Tasks 
  • Confusion over routine procedures that the student was previously able to navigate
  • Trouble meeting deadlines on administrative requirements
  • Repeated mistakes in paperwork or forms
  • Visible agitation when dealing with administrative issues 
Expressions of Stress or Anxiety about College Life 
  • Vocalizing a feeling of being unable to cope with the academic workload, campus demands, or personal challenges 
  • Expressions of loneliness or detachment when discussing their experiences on campus 
  • Sharing feelings of inadequacy when comparing themselves to peers
  • Describing campus life as overwhelming or unsatisfying  
Changes in Communication Patterns 
  • Suddenly becoming less communicative without explanation
  • Increase in overly apologetic or self-deprecating remarks in communications 
  • Uncharacteristic impulsivity or harshness in responses  
Financial Stress
  • Expressing concern over the cost of educational materials or living expenses
  • Frequently discussing or joking about their financial hardships
  • Showing signs of cutting costs drastically, like skipping meals or opting out of necessary purchases
  • Reluctance to participate in paid events or activities
  • Frequently asking about job opportunities 

Submit a Care Referral

Have concerns for a student but are not sure on how to start the conversation? Below are some suggestions from the Care Team:

"I haven't seen you around recently. We are having an event this week and would love for you to come if you are interested. It would be great to see you and catch up."
"You mentioned that you have been struggling, and I'm here to help in any way I can. Would you like to talk about it or explore some resources together?"
"I want to make sure you’re aware of all the support services offered on campus. I would like to submit a referral to the Care Team who can be incredibly helpful whether you're facing academic or personal challenges."
"It sounds like you’ve been going through a tough time. I’m here to help you navigate these challenges. Let’s discuss some options and find the best way to support you right now."
"Let's schedule a follow-up meeting for next week to check in on how you are doing with the resources we discussed. I want to ensure you’re finding everything you need and that you’re feeling supported."