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Multigenerational Impacts Research Report Request

CWB Multigeneration Impacts Report Cover Group discussion sitting in chairs in a circleThank you for your interest in the Gloria Cordes Larson Center for Women and Business (CWB) curated research report Multigenerational Impacts on the Workplace. Download the full report.

The Center for Women and Business (CWB) at Bentley University has compiled this report based on a literature review and synthesis of current practical research and media coverage on the five generations in the U.S. workforce. What are the traits and values that define each generation, including key differences and similarities? How do the formative influences of each generation impact their career approach, and what are the consequences of inaccurate stereotyping? This report also looks at the perspective of Millennial women, explores the challenges of the multigenerational professional landscape, and offers advice for employers looking to strategically engage and support a diverse employee workforce.

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