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Accessibility Evaluation

Accessibility is the practice of enabling individuals with cognitive or physical impairments to seamlessly interact with products, applications, or services. Some of these impairments include vision or hearing loss, mobility constraints, and memory changes. An accessibility evaluation is based on common accessibility guidelines, including Section 508 and WCAG 2.0. An accessibility evaluation may or may not involve end-users. The outcome of an accessibility evaluation is the identification of accessibility issues, and the best remedy to improve the accessibility of any product.


When to use 

An accessibility evaluation is conducted when a client needs to improve or validate the accessibility of their product(s). Typically an accessibility evaluation happens later in the design lifecycle or once the product is live (in production).

Accessibility at the UXC

The UXC’s versatile facility is designed to accommodate individuals with vision, hearing, mobility, and cognitive impairments. In addition, UXC consultants have expertise in testing products and applications in accordance with the latest accessibility standards. Through using methods such as expert reviews and usability testing, we can help our clients develop an actionable strategy for improving accessibility for their products.


Spotlight: Accessibility at EBSCO

We partnered with EBSCO on working to improve the learning experience for students with visual disabilities.

Bentley UXC Services

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