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The UXC houses two state-of-the-art usability labs. Each lab is a multi-room suite, equipped with a one-way mirror, multiple high-definition video cameras, table microphones, and a comfortable observation room for our clients.

Usability Labs

One lab comfortably seats 6 observers, while the other lab seats up to 24 observers. Both labs have dedicated spaces for team collaboration exercises, including observational analysis and design sketching. For those clients that are not able to be on-site, all lab-based activities are recorded and live-streamed via a secure password. The UXC labs are highly configurable, easily able to accommodate any type of digital, mobile, or physical product.

The UXC labs have been modeled by organizations nationwide including The Mathworks, Fidelity Investments, and The National Cancer Institute.


Mobile Devices

The UXC has capabilities to evaluate products on a variety of mobile platforms including tablets, smartphones, and smartwatches. We deploy multiple methods of capturing user interactions and facial expressions in high resolution, including the use of ceiling-mounted HD cameras, device-mounted cameras, and screen-share applications.

Our portable cameras allow for observation of all screen interactions, while still permitting the participant to physically manipulate the device in a natural way. Additionally, the UXC has access to software to remotely capture screen interactions on a smartphone, giving the ability to run remote (moderated) usability tests on mobile devices, whereby the participant and observer are not located together.

Eye Tracking and Biometrics

The UXC has extensive experience in the area of eye tracking and biometrics. The UXC uses the iMotions platform, which integrates eye tracking, facial expression analysis, and GSR (skin conductance) sensors. Through the iMotions platform we are able to present our client with a real-time display of where the participant is focusing their attention, and dynamic changes in emotion based on their facial expressions.

Together, we are able to gain a complete picture of the emotional user experience and areas of visual attention and engagement. The iMotions platform, including eye tracking, is fully portable so we can collect data in other facilities or in the field. Reports include videos, data visualizations, and UX metrics.

Laptop running eye tracking software with a participant in the background.
keurig machine.

Physical Products

The Bentley UXC labs are well equipped to evaluate any type of physical product. Both labs offer multiple high definition ceiling-mounted cameras to capture every visual angle, including facial expressions and all the interactions with the product. Both labs are highly configurable, accommodating any type of physical product. The UXC has evaluated the setup of wireless speakers, robotic vacuum cleaners, electronic voting machines, digital cameras, coffee makers, and more.

The UXC also uses other technologies such as a GoPro camera to capture how individuals use products outside of the lab. If it has an interface – we are on it! All user sessions are recorded and streamed live.

Portable Lab

The Bentley labs are completely portable, allowing the UXC staff to conduct all forms of user research on the road. The technology that the UXC gives us the ability to record and stream sessions when we are in other locations.

The UXC regularly often visits homes, workspaces, and retail environments to capture user and consumer insights in a more naturalistic setting. In addition, the UXC has special equipment to capture user behaviors on mobile devices and tablets. The eye-tracking and biometrics are also portable, allowing us to capture visual attention patterns and emotional engagement with individuals outside of our labs.  

Two researchers observing a woman operating a touch screen kiosk in a shopping center.

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