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Concept Testing

How do you know when you have a good (or not so good) product idea? The UXC routinely performs concept testing to evaluate the feasibility of early design and product concepts. The result is not only validation of a design concept, but clear direction on what aspects of the design need to be improved or redesigned. Concept testing may be done with a large sample size (more than 100 participants) to validate design concepts, or with small sample sizes to gain more qualitative insights.  

When to use 

Concept testing is best used prior to any significant investment in resources. Concept testing is most effective when the value proposition has been fleshed out, but prior to any development or coding. The goal of concept testing is typically to validate aspects of the product such as the likelihood to use in the future, perceived value, and expectations. Also, concept testing is done to better understand how a customer reacts to the product. Concept testing is usually done with either low-fidelity prototypes, storyboards, or non-interactive screenshots. Concept testing works well when introducing new functionality, features, or an entirely new line of business.

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Concept Testing at the UXC

The UXC is well equipped for rapid concept testing. The UXC has access to the Qualtrics survey platform, as well as two state-of-the-art labs for a more in-depth qualitative and behavioral analysis. The UXC typically leverages a mix-methods approach, relying on both qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate early-stage design concepts. The result is a set of metrics and qualitative insights that will give clear direction on the feasibility of any new product idea or design concept.

Bentley UXC Services

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