If you are anything like me your list of UX resources and interesting tools and articles is long and diverse. I've been known to have lists scattered about in bookmarks, sticky notes, and reminders scribbled on just about any available writing surface. After combing through a few notebooks and papers I've compiled this eclectic list of resources spanning a range of topics including:
- Accessibility
- Color
- Evaluation Heuristics & Guidelines
- Fonts
- Personas
- Planning, Collaborating & Mood Boards
- Prototyping
- Working with Participants
This list includes resources that are at times both interesting and useful. Some have been discovered out of a project necessity, others have come as recommendations, and still others are just for fun. You may find that some of these links are good to check out once, and others you'll refer to over and over again.
Hopefully this list will remind you of some tried and true resources, and also pique your interest enough so that you try a few new resources as well.
An important part of making products, services, interfaces, and websites easier to use is designing them so that they are usable by everyone. These resources are helpful when you want to make sure that your design choices are accessible.
- https://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/tools/
- http://www.508checker.com/
- http://accessibility.psu.edu/
- https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/
- http://www.colorsontheweb.com/Color-Tools/Color-Contrast-Analyzer
These resources explore the power that color has to influence information design.
- Color Perception - http://www.webexhibits.org/causesofcolor/1.html
- Color in popular culture UNO redesign - https://www.fastcompany.com/90139017/after-46-years-mattel-redesigned-un...
- Fun game to exploring relationships of colors - https://color.method.ac/
If there are more ways than one to skin a cat, the same can be said about heuristic reviews and expert evaluations. These resources include several heuristic lists as well as helpful guidelines to follow when adapting these heuristics for your own use.
- https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-heuristics/
- https://asktog.com/atc/principles-of-interaction-design/
- http://faculty.washington.edu/jtenenbg/courses/360/f04/sessions/schneide...
- https://www.userfocus.co.uk/resources/guidelines.html
- http://uxmag.com/articles/psychological-usability-heuristics
- https://health.gov/healthliteracyonline/table-of-contents/
Not being a typographer or expert in type, but knowing that font choice matters I recommend these articles about font. These resources touch on selecting appropriate fonts as well how design trends can be at odds with readability.
- Choosing Fonts Effectively https://webflow.com/blog/how-to-pick-the-best-font-for-your-site
- Trends in Typography https://www.typewolf.com/recommendations
- The effects of trends in reduction in contrast online https://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/10/23/internet-is-becoming-unre...
There are many points of view about Personas and while we may not all agree here are a few resources that will get you thinking. This list also includes repository of faces that are free to use to bring your personas to life!
- Purpose, benefits and best practices of personas https://www.usability.gov/how-to-and-tools/methods/personas.html
- Discussion about different points of view about personas http://uxmas.com/2013/squabble-over-personas
- Faces that are free to use in personas (+ you can add your own mug to the available faces!)
With so many possible resources for planning, collaborating, and creating mood boards I've rounded up some resources worth checking out. You might find one here that could be an improvement on your current situation.
If you have ever needed to create a snazzy prototype quickly or even present early ideas to remote participants this tool will allow you to quickly turn a paper prototype digital.
There's much to consider when you are conducting research with participants. These resources provide useful information and helpful reminders about ethical guidelines and best practices.
- https://www.fda.gov/RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm126420.htm
- https://www.wellesley.edu/sponsoredresearch/irb
- https://lbodre.ideo.com/
Did you find a resource here that is useful, informative, and enjoyable?
Do you have others that you think are worth sharing? Please get in touch- I love to hear about anything UX related!
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Partnering with a wide range of stakeholders including: financial services, e-commerce, education, medical, transportation, retail, insurance, and technology my work centers on improving the experiences that people have with websites, interfaces, products, and services. I utilize a variety of formative and summative methods in my research and design work at the User Experience Center.
Look for me on twitter @uxheat or connect with me on LinkedIn.