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User Experience Center

Field Research

Field research enables our clients to gain a deeper understanding of customer needs, pain points, delights, and new opportunities. Field research relies on studying how customers and prospects use different product and services in their natural environments, such as at home, in the office, or in public spaces


When to Use

Field research is an excellent way to kick off any design or product strategy initiative. Field research provides critical insights into how customers think about a product or service, and new ways to move your product forward. Field research is also an ideal method to generate new ideas for features and functionality by identifying unmet needs.

Field Research at the UXC

The UXC conducts field research when the context of use has an impact on the user experience. We incorporate other methods into our field research, such as in-depth interviews to probe on specific aspects of their experience, diary studies to understand long-term usage patterns and surveys to validate many of the qualitative insights we observe.

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Bentley UXC Services

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