Sanjay Patil
MBA + MS Marketing Analytics Class of 2017
Undergrad KLES's Institute of Management Studies and Research
How did Bentley help you get to where you are today in your career?
My time at Bentley was an opportunity for the taking every day. For people with right attitude, Bentley always provides opportunities to grow and learn. I found it amazing how accessible the corporate world and its people can be if you take the right approach and are open-minded about attending events and networking. At this stage, being fresh in the job market, apart from the knowledge and skills – I owe the network I’ve built to Bentley.
What are the top three skills you gained in your program at Bentley?
- Critical Thinking: As MBAs, we were always exposed to numerous business cases in processes, IT challenges, supply chain challenges, ethics and law – they all drove us to be thinkers in our own areas of expertise.
- Leadership: The sheer number of opportunities to address a crowd, being able to work in groups to get important coursework done, being part of several student organizations – they all nurtured the leader in me to the next level.
- Interpersonal: With such a diverse student body and such amazing culture of acceptance, Bentley helped me build strong friendships and great working relationships with people from various backgrounds.
"I found a chance to learn something new each day."
What would you tell someone considering your program at Bentley?
I did an MBA and an MSMA at Bentley. For these two, or for any courses for that matter, if I had to give one suggestion – it would be: Go in there with an open mind and willingness to experiment, explore and ultimately learn. Every opportunity is waiting for you at Bentley - if you are up for it.