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Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 on Consumers, Markets & Industries

By Lisa Curtin

Many of the library's business research databases are publishing special analysis of the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on consumers, markets, and industries. Below is a roundup of key resources providing unique and timely content to keep you up-to-date and well informed.

Search tip: Look for a special COVID-19 link, button, icon or banner on the landing page of each database to be directed to their collection of COVID-19 insights, analysis and statistics. Then, conduct keyword searches in the databases to search for additional information.


Following the Impact of the Japanese Earthquake: Using Global Insight and Factiva

By Colleen Mullally

On March 11, the northeastern region of Japan was devastated by one of the largest earthquakes on record. The resulting tsunami, with its 30 foot waves, wiped out whole coastal areas and currently a difficult search and rescue mission is underway in towns made isolated and nearly inaccessible by the path of destruction.  Meanwhile, the world is watching as the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which was hit by the 9.0 earthquake, struggles to avoid a nuclear meltdown after numerous emergency failures resulted in structura

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