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Try Something New! Checkout our Cookbooks

By Kimberly Morin

Ready to try something new on your menu? We have got you covered with an online display of cookbooks for you to devour.

Try a new or spice up an old recipe. Pair one with a movie for date night or dinner with the family. Learn a little about other regions, countries or cultures by experiencing different cuisines. Recipes of all types are represented from the traditional to the exotic.


On Display: Check Out a Book; Whip Up Something Delicious!

By Macee Damon

 Looking for a new recipe to spice up your holiday table, or want to try creating a delicious meal from another culture? Maybe you've made a New Year’s resolution to eat healthier. This display of cookbooks and other food-related reading might just inspire you to think outside your comfort zone when it comes to being in the kitchen.


On Display: What's Cooking?

By Macee Damon

whatscooking Photo courtesy of Flickr user General Mills

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