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On Display: Words Have Power - Read a Banned Book!

By Macee Damon

According to the American Library Association website, "A [book] challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials, based upon the objections of a person or group. A banning is the removal of those materials. Challenges do not simply involve a person expressing a point of view; rather, they are an attempt to remove material from the curriculum or library, thereby restricting the access of others. As such, they are a threat to freedom of speech and choice."


On Display: Nonfiction Audiobooks

By Kimberly Morin


On Display: Not-so-obvious Adaptations

By Donna Bacchiocchi
The library’s latest display features “Not-so-obvious Adaptations”. The collection features films that are based on books, but the catch is that the movie titles are different than the original book’s title! ...

"Out in the Stacks": Books & DVDs on Display for LGBT Pride Month

By Jaimie Fritz
Many of you may already know that June is LGBT Pride Month! The month of June was chosen to commemorate the historic Stonewall Riots, which took place in NYC on June 28, 1969. Hundreds of Pride Parades & Marches will soon take place across the globe, including the Boston Pride Parade on June 10th. ...

On Display: The Art of the Book: Sustainability & Social Justice

By Hope Houston

“Small books are more durable than big ones; they go farther. The booksellers revere big books; readers like small ones. An exquisite thing is worth more than a huge thing.”

- Joseph Joubert (1754-1824)


Black History Month Book and Film Display

By Dominique Winn

“To my children, for whom I dream that one day soon they will no longer be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

~ Martin Luther King, Jr., dedication in front of his book “Why We Can’t Wait” 


On Display: Best Books of 2016

By Lisa Curtin

Best Books of 2016Happy New Year! In keeping with tradition, we have spent the last couple of months combing through some of our favorite reviewer's year-end best books lists* to bring you our 8th annual Best Books display. Stop by the library's lobby to browse 2016's best fiction and nonfiction titles. With over 160 books to choose from, we are certain you will find something to capture your interest.


On Display: Giving

By Donna Bacchiocchi
We’ve all heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but do you know about Giving Tuesday?  Seeking the true spirit of the season, #GivingTuesday is intended to be a global day of giving, encouraging you to help others through the gift of time, donation, or action.  Inspired by this year’s #GivingTuesday on November 29, 2016, the library’s latest display is all about giving back.  The collection features books about kindness, philanthropy, volunteering, charity, social action, and altruism; there are also some movies feat ...

On Display: Office Culture

By Macee Damon
Every office has its quirks, its characters and its particular ethos. Because people spend so much time in an office environment, often a unique culture evolves. My coworkers and I have a wall where we post funny sayings overheard in our office over the years. Other offices have slightly different conventions, such as the classic scene in the movie Office Space where the printer/fax machine is destroyed. ...

On Display: A World of Books: International Fiction

By Macee Damon
There's still a bit of summer left ... what better time to discover a new author or settle in with an old favorite? ...
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