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Database of the Month: PrivCo - Private Company Research

By Viral Amin

PrivCo enables you to learn and research the world of private markets, both the companies seeking investment, and the firms and people that make that investment happen. Private markets are constantly evolving, with new companies and industries popping up to meet new needs. While other directories update company profiles periodically, PrivCo reflects changes soon after they happen giving you the current M&A information needed to discern trends in buyer behavior relative to financials, investment type, and valuation.


Database of the Month: PrivCo

By Viral Amin

PrivCo is an indispensable tool for company and industry research.  Its primary focus is on private, public, and foreign companies in specialized industries like On-Demand Services, e.g. Grubhub, DoorDash, or Transferwise.    

What sets it apart from other company directories are the up-to-date funding and M&A histories, which are cross-listed with company and investor profiles directly on PrivCo. 


Database of the Month: Best's Library Center

By Macee Damon

Best's Library Center provides in-depth reports and analysis for United States, Canadian and international insurers, reinsurers, and groups.


Database of the Month: PrivCo

By Dominique Winn

Organizations that are family owned or private are typically hard to gather information on. PrivCo serves up private company metrics which would formerly have taken hours to accumulate.  It taps multiple reference sources, articles, and industry info. PrivCo connects the user to company directory information, financial data on private companies, and investors involved in private company activity. Who can use it?


Database of the Month: Thomson ONE

By Hope Houston

Thomson ONE logo image Please note: Thomson ONE is optimized for Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7. It also works with Internet Explorer versions 8 or 9. It does not work in Firefox or Chrome, or on Macs. Thomson ONE uses pop-ups. Set Internet Explorer to accept pop-ups from * before entering the database to avoid having to re-do steps.

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