Check out our book, popular reading, DVD and audiobook (including Playaway) acquisitions for the month of August. Go to our New Books & DVDs page or use the links in the left hand column.
...Last year, the library delivered 260 instruction sessions, tours, and workshops. Here's what some faculty had to say about them:
“Students are surprised to learn how the databases improve their access to information, and this is revealed in the quality of the bibliographies they turn in.”
“Students have taken much more time and care in their research and have made better use of integrating it into their papers as a result.”
...Would you believe that the latest Janet Evanovich tale is ... a comic book? It's true! A lifelong comic book fan, Evanovich co-wrote Troublemaker. Book 1: A Barnaby and Hooker Graphic Novel with her daughter, Alex. Troublemaker is just one of the many graphic novels available to borrow from our library.