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Around Campus

Finding Gold

April 28, 2021
Suchithra Vengalil’s master of Business Analytics was a graduate degree 16 years in the making.  So, after waiting so long to see her dream come true, Vengalil promised herself she was going to make the most of it.…

Real Men Don’t Buy ‘Mrs. Clean’

April 26, 2021
Professor’s research explores how implicit bias affects consumer perceptions of gendered brands
  Professor Susan Dobscha
With his gleaming bald head, jaunty hoop earring and…

Coffee, Culture and Communication

April 21, 2021
Rome internship gives Rachel Dobrzynski ’21 a taste of media and culture  Rachel Dobrzynski ’21 loves to talk. So much so that she learned Spanish so she could “talk to more people” in her high school’s diverse…

Extracurricular Growth

April 16, 2021
From the very beginning, Bentley was too loud for Asimina Morris ’21 to ignore.  “I was interested in business all throughout high school,” says Morris, an Economics-Finance major with a minor in Law who’s from … Name Asimina Morris's Orientation teams throughout the years Like a lot of Bentley students, Morris plugged in to extracurricular activities early, and often. First was the Adamian Law Club. Then came the Bentley Real Estate Group, and helping out as a tutor at the Writing Center. She had a two-…

Leading Outside the Classroom

April 14, 2021
Before Michael Beaudoin ’21 started at Bentley, he received some advice from his older brother: Get involved on campus early and often.    “I joined the Campus Activities Board (CAB) as a general member my first semester and I never looked back…

International Impact

April 13, 2021
​​​​   ​​​  We Can Be Heroes protects  ​​​​    ​​​​​Amazon wildlife through its      “Salva tu Selva” initiative. 
Isabella Contessi ’22 preserved parts of the Amazon rain…

‘Black Lives, Black Voices’

April 5, 2021
As an Economics-Finance major, Kimiya Kim ’23 is used to classes covering concepts like monetary theory, derivatives and market analysis. This spring, however, her classroom discussions have included racial justice. Her biggest takeaway? “Racism shapes every…

Bentley Business Bowl

March 29, 2021
What do Mexican pizza, Adidas and fashionable fabric face masks have in common?   All were featured as case studies in the 24th annual Bentley Business Bowl. The day-long academic competition, sponsored by the Office of the Dean of Business and the…

Sharing a Passion for Business

March 29, 2021
An Honors Program partnership with Junior Achievement is helping high school students in underserved communities learn what it’s like to be an entrepreneur. The daylong event connected 32 honors students with high schoolers from seven high schools in…

Statement Piece 

March 24, 2021
Peyton Gadaire ’22  jokingly compares her high school uniform to that of Harry Potter and his classmates at Hogwarts School: a white button-down with a black sweater vest and blazer with grey skirt and black tights. Dress down day, on the other hand, was …