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Around Campus

Return to Campus

November 17, 2020
Safety, flexibility and innovation are top of mind as Bentley prepares to open for the fall trimester. Classes begin on August 31.  “I can’t wait to see students walking on campus again,” says J. Andrew Shepardson, vice president for student affairs and…

Choosing Service

November 16, 2020
(Photo above: Desimone, second from right, at a conference with Waltham High School students, part of her work with Waltham Partnership for Youth.) During her first semester at Bentley, Erin Desimone ‘21 “fell in love” with the service work that was part…

New Program Welcomes Talented First-Generation Students

November 6, 2020
As the demographic face of America changes, so too are college student populations. In fact, over the next decade, enrollment demographics in higher education are expected to take a seismic shift toward minority and first-generation students, putting these…

True to our Values

November 4, 2020
Dear Members of the Bentley Community, There is no greater privilege in America than the opportunity to exercise the right to vote. Every four years, citizens of this country have the chance to evaluate where we are, examine where we’re going…

Your Voice Matters

October 27, 2020

Election 2020 with CNN’s Dan Merica ’10 and Professor Jeff Gulati

October 26, 2020
If President Trump wins the Electoral College vote and Joe Biden wins the popular vote, will the Electoral College be dismantled? Which state is the most critical for either candidate to win the White House? How important is the death of Supreme Court Justice…

For Female Doctors, Mentoring Matters

October 23, 2020
Student research shows young physicians seek connection, camaraderie “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much,” Helen Keller once observed. The renowned educator and activist may have spoken these…

How to Combat White Supremacy

October 6, 2020
The Anti-Defamation League reported that distribution of white supremacist propaganda more than doubled in 2019 over the previous year. As part of its Community Learning Conference, Bentley held a workshop for faculty and staff on combating…

All the World’s a Page

August 30, 2020
From entrepreneurship and ethnology to South Asian history and global sustainability, the latest publications from Bentley faculty members explore a variety of timely topics. Read on for details about…

Supporting Black Students on a Predominately White Campus

August 27, 2020
Workshop urges faculty and staff to reflect, learn and act DO learn to recognize and call out instances of racial injustice on campus. DON’T ask Black students to speak on behalf of the entire Black community.…