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When Quotas Aren’t an Option

June 30, 2016
Gender inequalities remain in boardrooms throughout the corporate world, despite increasing evidence that diversity on corporate boards is good for business, and despite the fact that women account for over 85% of consumer expenditures and trillions of dollars in spending annually worldwide.  

What if You Could Make That Watch “Like New?”

June 30, 2016
Have you ever wished you could make your favorite watch or pair of shoes like new again?  Although such refurbishing services are available from certain companies, more often than not products we buy (and like) are disposed or recycled rather than refurbished, either because there is no other alternative, or because of a strategy known as planned obsolescence.

Bentley Celebrates Faculty Authors

May 26, 2016
Hosted by the Dean of Business, the Dean of Arts and Sciences, and the Jeanne and Dan Valente Center for Arts and Sciences, the Bentley community recently came together to toast faculty members who have published a book in the past academic year (2015-2016). Books and covers were on display for guests to peruse and enjoy.

Do Accountants Make Better CFOs?

May 10, 2016
Professor of Accountancy Rani Hoitash is available to discuss his new research from the Journal of Accounting and Economics.

Thought Leadership on Health and Health Care Thrives at Bentley

April 22, 2016
“Finding solutions for local, national, and global health challenges calls for a coordinated approach cutting across business and the arts and sciences,” says Health TLN Director Danielle Blanch Hartigan, assistant professor of natural and applied sciences. “We’re leveraging the critical mass of individuals at Bentley involved in health-related research and practice.” 

Select Publications, Awards and Honors 2014-2016

April 22, 2016
Please peruse the following select examples of our faculty research efforts that have either been published or accepted by leading outlets, as well as examples of awards and honors our faculty have received. For previous lists, click here.

Bentley Drives Data Innovation with Thought Leadership Network

April 21, 2016
Proving once again that the whole can be greater than the sum of its parts, the Data Innovation Network emerged from five earlier Thought Leadership Networks at the university. Like these smaller ventures, the Data Innovation TLN invites collaboration by scholars across disciplines and with external partners. 

Apple Learns an Important Lesson on Integrating Ethics Into Operations

April 14, 2016
On May 20, 2011, an explosion in an Apple iPad manufacturing factory in southwestern China killed four workers and injured 18. Analyzing this tragedy and automotive industry recalls has lead researchers at Bentley and Northeastern to propose a new model for predicting--and preventing--the costs of unethical behavior in business.

Do You Really Care About Who Made Your Clothing? You Should, and So Should Those Big Buyers

April 14, 2016
Despite story after story of large global buyers attempting to address them, inequities, unfairness, and unsafe working conditions in underdeveloped parts of the world continue. What can be done? 

Why Innovation is Stuck in Slow Motion

March 18, 2016

Business innovation has a problem. A recent working paper by Robert Gorden titled “Is US Economic Growth Over? Faltering Innovation Confronts the Six Headwinds” suggests that “innovation does not have the same potential to create growth in the future as in the past.”