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Select Publications of Bentley Faculty 2014-2015

October 9, 2015
From among a large portfolio of publications, we’d like to bring the following articles and books that have either been published or accepted by leading outlets to your attention as examples of the type of research our faculty are engaged in. 

Bentley University’s Mee Prize Goes to Top Scholar in Rhetoric and Writing

September 21, 2015
Bentley Professor of English and Media Studies Gesa Kirsch is the recipient of the 2015-2016 Mee Family Prize.  

Bentley University Study Suggests Alzheimer’s Research is Ready to Provide Cures

August 18, 2015
Research from the Center for Integration of Science and Industry at Bentley University offers a hopeful view of the prospects for new Alzheimer’s drugs.

Apple Economics

July 30, 2015
Can economic principles encourage healthful eating so you choose an apple over, say, a doughnut? Two Bentley experts consider the issues. 

Money in the Mattress: Recession Taught Millennials Tough Budgeting Lessons

June 30, 2015
A new study reveals that the Great Recession has taught millennials some tough lessons about saving for retirement.

Think Like a Shrink to Succeed

June 10, 2015
Internet and web-based technologies are changing the traditional marketplace — and human emotion is helping reinvent this consumer culture. 

Bentley Celebrates Faculty Book Authors

May 14, 2015
Hosted by the Dean of Business, the Dean of Arts and Sciences, and the Jeanne and Dan Valente Center for Arts and Sciences, the Bentley community recently came together to toast faculty members who have published a book in the past year (2014-2015).

Why We and the Rest of the World Are Getting Fatter — and What We Can Do About It

May 4, 2015

In a way, getting fat makes sense.

Indeed, people are growing obese on a global scale. As nearly the whole world gets steadily fatter, economists are taking a closer look at why we make the unhealthy choices we do. Our fattening decisions make rational economic sense, they say, but only if we ignore the future.

Finding the Signal in the Noise of Big Data

March 19, 2015
The concept of Big Data is constantly changing depending on the state of the art in technology. 

The Promise and Threat of Big Data: Inside Bentley's Research Colloquium

March 16, 2015
How can big data be used to benefit us, and how may it threaten our privacy? Bentley researchers explored these questions at the annual Research Colloquium.