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University News

New Editors to Lead Ethics Journal 'Business and Society Review'

January 10, 2020

The W. Michael Hoffman Center for Business Ethics is pleased to announce that professors David M. Wasieleski and James Weber have agreed to serve as the new editors of the center’s journal, Business and Society Review (BASR). BASR is a peer-reviewed academic journal that addresses a wide range of ethical issues concerning the relationships between business, society, and the public good.

The Workplace Journey

December 3, 2019
Women represent 75 percent of caregivers and are three times more likely than fathers to leave their job at some point to care for their family. When they return, they face the same challenges as all people reentering plus the weight of the “mommy penalty,”…

Bentley is Among the Best in the Nation for Return on Students’ College Investment

November 15, 2019
A new report ranks Bentley among the top colleges in the U.S. for the return on a student’s college investment. The report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce looked at 4,500 two- and four-year colleges and ranked Bentley 20th…

Bentley Student-Athletes Once Again Have Highest Graduation Rate in the Country

October 31, 2019
Bentley University’s student-athletes have the highest graduation rate in the nation at 99 percent, according to the latest NCAA Division II Academic Success Rate report. This is the third straight year that Bentley athletes have been No. 1 in the country.…

Bentley University Honors and Awards

October 20, 2019
Bentley recognizes its faculty, staff, and students for their awards, honors and other achievements. Bentley University's Office of Systems, Networks and Telecommunications has been awarded the 2019 E&I National Cloud Leadership Award for their use…

New Sustainable Investing Program

October 3, 2019
  ​​​  Otgo Erhemjamts
Tobacco, gender diversity, executive pay, climate change – these are just a few of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues that investors consider today. As of 2018, there…

President Davis-Blake's 2019 Convocation Address

August 21, 2019

Bentley Ranked No.1 in the Nation for Internship Opportunities by Princeton Review

August 12, 2019
Written by Helen Henrichs Princeton Review has ranked Bentley University the top college in the country for internship opportunities as part of its 2019 edition of “The Best Value Colleges: 200 Schools with Exceptional ROI for Your Tuition Investment."…

Princeton Review Again Names Bentley Among Best in the Nation for Internships and Career Services

August 8, 2019
Princeton Review Ranks Bentley #1 for Internships and #3 for Career Services Bentley University’s nationally recognized career service department is ranked #3 in the country in The Princeton Review’s newly-released…

President Davis-Blake's Message Following the Tragedies in Texas and Ohio

August 5, 2019
Over the weekend our nation was struck by two senseless acts of violence that left 31 people dead and many more injured. As updates have come in, I’ve struggled to find the words to express how deeply saddened I am by these tragic acts. While attacks of this…