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Facilities Management

Lifting Techniques


Sprains and strains are the most common causes of lower back pain. Your back can be injured by improper lifting of moderate to heavy objects, falling, auto accidents, and sports activities. But of these, lifting improperly is the largest single cause of back pain and injury. Luckily, you can do something about preventing back pain by knowing and using proper lifting techniques. Along with the common cold, problems with the lower back are a frequent cause of lost work time and worker's compensation. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported in 1994 nearly 400,000 injuries (representing 17 percent of all occupational injuries or illnesses) from overexertion in lifting in 1992. Not only does Bentley College lose, but you lose if you are laid up for weeks, unable to stay active. Although our backs hold up well, our lifestyles and activities can lead to back pain. Here are some things that can go wrong:

Strains and Sprains

These can result from injury to muscles and ligaments that support the back. A torn ligament will result in severe back pain.

Ruptured or Slipped Disk

This is not uncommon and occurs when the disk (vertebral cushion) presses on a nerve.

Chronic Tension or Stress

These can result in muscle spasms and aggravate persistent and painful backache.

Other Conditions

Such as pain "referred to the back" from other organs, such as the kidneys and prostate, can result in nagging back pain.

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Why Back Pain Happens

Using improper lifting techniques can lead to back injuries, but other factors can contribute to this age-old problem.

Poor Posture

Whether you are standing, sitting, or reclining, posture affects the amount of strain put on your back. The wrong posture increases strain on the back muscles and may bend the spine into positions that will cause trouble. When standing correctly, the spine has a natural "S" curve. The shoulders are back and the "S" curve is directly over the pelvis. Good sitting posture should put your knees slightly higher than your hips.

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