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Bentley University President Brent Chrite

Human Resources

Attract. Develop. Retain.

The work of the Human Resources team supports the mission of the University by providing services and programs that attract, develop and retain a highly qualified and diverse workforce. Whether you are faculty, administrative staff, a retiree, or a prospective employee, the welcoming team in HR is committed to providing you with timely and professional service and strategic solutions. The core values of the Bentley Beliefs guide our interactions with the whole Bentley community and we are dedicated to treating all with respect and dignity.

Our core services include recruitment and selection; compensation and benefits administration; performance management; learning and development; employee relations; human resources information systems, as well as compliance with state and federal employment laws and regulations.

It's our goal to bring the best people to Bentley—and to be the best HR team for our faculty and staff.

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Current in HR

Be on the Lookout for Upcoming: Human Resources, L&D and Bentley Events

Preventing Workplace Harassment

In keeping with our culture based on dignity and respect, Bentley requires all faculty and staff to complete an online Harassment Prevention program designed specifically for institutions of higher ed. See log-in instructions below. View also Bentley's policies and procedures related to Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying Policy, and the Sexual Harassment Policy.

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Bentley's Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Bentley HR is committed to upholding our first Core Value—Diversity. Whether it's training hiring managers on implicit bias, or facilitating Bentley Brave Dialog's, the HR team collaborates closely with our colleagues in the Office of Institutional Diversity to realize our shared vision and our belief in the power of difference.

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Holiday Schedule

Click the button below to see the current Academic Year Holiday Schedule.

Please consult the detailed Academic Calendar on Bentley’s website for key academic dates as well as other campus events.

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