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Human Resources

OPEN DECEMBER 2nd, 2024 - JANUARY 31st, 2025

CAP Check-In

As the second phase of the cycle and mid-year touch point, Check-In is an opportunity for managers and employees to revisit, adjust, and/or create additional goals, while also discussing the employees development and how the manager can support the employees growth and development. Managers should check that employees are making progress towards goals, and employees should use Check-In as an opportunity to note progress or seek clarification. 

The Check-In phase of CAP is intended to take place during a joint meeting with employee & manager, but the Workday CAP Check-In task begins in the manager’s inbox. Managers should not submit CAP Check-In until Check-In meeting has occurred with employee.  Employees are encouraged to review their entered goals and reflect on Check-In questions before meeting.


CAP Check-In (December-January) 1. Manager Reviews Goals & Enters Notes 2. Manager & Employee have Check-In meeting 3. Employee reviews & submits acknowledgement 4. Successfully Complete!


Workday How To For Check-In

This video walks you through how to complete the Check-In stage of the CAP cycle.$7/rel-task/2998$28786.htmld

Check-In Resources

Check-In User Guide

Guide with screenshots and directions to guide you through the Workday Check-In process

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Check-In Goal Review & Reflection (Employee Worksheet)

Reflection questions and goal review guidance to prep employees for their Check-In conversation

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"What" and "How" Performance Matrix

Managers and Employees are encouraged to use this tool throughout the CAP cycle to reflect on the level of success in achieving outcomes or the "What", and the level of success in demonstrating behaviors or the "How" when discussing progress towards goals and employee development.  Dig deeper into the matrix here!