Bentley University MAPFML FAQs
Table of Contents
Beginning on January 1, 2021, the new Massachusetts Paid Family & Medical Leave Act (MAPFML) took effect. Bentley University (Bentley) has assessed these new regulations and has worked hard to not only maintain all of our robust medical and family leave programs as they exist today, but also expanding in some areas in accordance with the new law.
Our program will be administered by Lincoln Financial Group to provide consistency and efficiency. Lincoln Financial Group currently administers other programs for Bentley, including Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Short-Term Disability (STD), and Long-Term Disability (LTD). Our plans will ensure you receive the best possible leave benefits—which are above and beyond the state’s requirements—while providing an easier, integrated, and streamlined application process through Lincoln Financial Group.
Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave Act Overview
1. What is Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave (MAPFML)?
On January 1, 2021, the new Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave (MAPFML) law became effective. As a result, all eligible workers with a work location in Massachusetts will be entitled to certain paid medical and family leave benefits:
Paid medical leave may be taken to:
- Manage a personal serious health condition.
Paid family leave may be taken to:
- Bond with a child during first 12 months after birth, adoption or foster placement (including employees who had a baby or had a child placed with their family during the 2020 calendar year)
- Manage needs resulting from the military deployment of a family member
On July 1, 2021, paid family leave benefits will become available for those who need to care for a family member with a serious health condition.
For complete details about eligible leaves, visit
- Who’s eligible for MAPFML?
Generally, MAPFML coverage is available to all workers who work in Massachusetts and receive a W-2, whether full-time, part-time, or seasonal. In addition, former employees who have been unemployed for 26 weeks or fewer, and are not reemployed, are covered.
- What is the maximum amount of leave I can take?
The benefit duration depends the type of leave requested and approved: - A benefit year is the period of 52 consecutive weeks beginning on the Sunday immediately before your first day of leave. There is a 7-day waiting period for all leave reasons, except for transitioning from medical leave for childbirth to family leave for bonding.
- Who will administer MAPFML benefits?
Lincoln Financial Group, who currently administers our Short- (STD) and Long-Term Disability (LTD) programs, will also administer these new benefits. This enables us to offer employees a consistent and more seamless experience throughout the duration of an extended leave
- Do I need to elect MAPFML benefits?
No. Employees do not need to elect these benefits. Additionally, there are no decisions related to leave programs required during the annual benefits open enrollment period. If you need to go out on leave, you should notify your manager and contact Lincoln Financial Group to initiate the Leave Process.
- Do my other benefits continue while I’m on a leave due to MAPFML?
Yes. All employee benefits continue during an MAPFML leave, including accruing paid time off.
How is MAPFML different from FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act)?
FMLA is a federal law that provides unpaid, job-protected leave for similar reasons as MAPFML. However, there are important differences between the two laws:Major differences are highlighted in bold above. MAPFML will run at the same time as any federal (FMLA), state laws (e.g. MA Parental Leave Act) or Bentley benefits if you are eligible.
You can access for more information, including a helpful video.- Where can I find more information about MAPFML?
The most complete and current detail about MAPFML is available on the website at You can find a complete Benefits Guide at However, please note that Bentley benefits may be more generous than what the law requires. Please read these FAQs in full for more information.
MAPFML Contributions
10. What is the cost of MAPFML?
While employers can charge employees for private MAPFML plans, up to the maximum amounts set by the state, Bentley has decided to not charge employees at this time. We reserve the right to change this approach in the future and will notify employees in advance if a change is made.
MAPFML Benefit Payments
11. What is the paid benefit I will receive from MAPFML?
The amount of benefits you are eligible to receive for our private MAPFML plan is based on your own average weekly wage when you apply for leave. The maximum total amount that you can receive in MAPFML benefits right now is $1,170.64 per week.
Please see the explanation of the calculation in the question below, as well as the Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits Calculator to estimate your weekly benefit should you choose to apply. If approved, you will be paid via Bentley’s payroll for the period you are receiving benefits under our private MAPFML plan through Lincoln Financial Group.
12. How are benefits calculated?
Massachusetts’ PFML program has a two-tiered benefit calculation based in part on the state’s average weekly wage (SAWW):
- If your average weekly wage (AWW) is less than or equal to 50% of the SAWW you will receive an 80% benefit. The SAWW for 2025 is $1,829.13; therefore, you will be eligible for an 80% benefit if your average weekly wage is less than or equal to $914.56.
- If your AWW is more than $914.56 (50% of the SAWW), you will be eligible for 80% of your first $914.56 in average weekly wages and your average wages that exceed this level will be payable at 50%, not to exceed the maximum weekly benefit. These values will be added together for your overall weekly benefit calculation.
- The maximum weekly benefit will be $1,170.64 through December 31, 2025, and may increase in future calendar years.
Your average weekly wage is calculated by using the highest two quarters of wages from the last four completed calendar quarters (referred to as the base period). The base period looks back at the most recent four completed quarters that precede your application for benefits date (not the date of leave). The wages from the two highest quarters will be divided by 26 to determine your AWW. The state has a broad wage definition which includes, but is not limited to, salaries, commissions and bonuses, reasonable cash value of board, rent, housing, and lodging, payment in kind, tips, and all remuneration paid in any medium other than cash. Lincoln Financial Group will gather wage information from Bentley to calculate your AWW. You will be paid via Bentley’s payroll for the period you are receiving benefits under our private MAPFML plan.
For a calculation example, please see the Lincoln Financial Group MAPFML Employee Guide. You can also use the Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits Calculator to estimate your weekly benefit.
New Legislation Supplementing Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave (MAPFML) with Accrued Paid Time Off
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts recently made a change to the Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave (MAPFML) law that allows employees to supplement their weekly MAPFML benefits with accrued vacation, sick, or personal time to collect their full average weekly earnings while on leave, depending on the type of leave it is. When it is a MAPFML medical leave, sick time can be used to supplement and when it is the 8 weeks of MAPFML bonding time, vacation time or personal time can be used. This change is effective November 1, 2023 and will apply to leaves which begin on or after November 1, 2023. For additional questions, please contact
Medical Leave
13. When am I eligible for a paid medical leave?
You must have a serious health condition to be eligible for a paid medical leave under MAPFML. Under the MAPFML, a serious health condition is an illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition that involves:
- Inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical facility; or
- Continuing treatment by a health care provider.
See for examples.
14. Can I use any of my earned paid time off to provide salary continuation during the 7-day waiting period for medical leave benefits?
You may use your accrued paid time off during the first week (waiting period) to receive 100% pay.
15. What are my benefits for MAPFML medical leave?
See MAPFML Benefit Payments.
16. Is it possible to take medical leave on an intermittent basis?
Intermittent leaves for your serious health condition can be taken based on the schedule your physician provided in the medical certification (e.g., flare-ups, scheduled appointments, reduced schedule).
Family Leave
17. What is family leave?
Under MAPFML, starting January 1, 2021, you may be eligible for up to 12 weeks of time off for bonding with a new child or certain situations related to active military service (some eligible for up to 26 weeks). Starting July 1, 2021, you may be eligible for up to 12 weeks of time off for caring for a sick family member. Leave for bonding with a child can be taken anytime during the first 12 months after birth, adoption or foster placement.
18. Can I take an FMLA leave, and then take a MAPFML leave for the same reason?
Generally, no, as MAPFML will run at the same time as other federal and state laws when both apply. So, you cannot take 12 weeks FMLA, then another 12 weeks of MAPFML. The two leaves will run concurrently. That said, any FMLA leave taken in 2020 will not count against your MAPFML leave entitlement that begins January 1, 2021.
19.What are my benefits for MAPFML family leave?
See MAPFML Benefit Payments.
20. Who are covered family members?
For the purposes of MAPFML family leave, family members include your spouse, domestic partner, child, parent, grandchild, grandparent or sibling, the parent of your spouse or domestic partner, and guardians who legally acted as a parent when you were a minor.
A child is a biological, adopted or foster child, a stepchild or legal ward, a child to whom the employee stands in loco parentis, or a person to whom the employee stood in loco parentis when the person was a minor child.
21. When do benefits to care for a sick family member begin?
MAPFML family leave benefits to care for a sick family member become available starting July 1, 2021.
22. Is it possible to take family medical leave on an intermittent basis?
Intermittent leaves for a family member’s serious health condition can be taken based on the schedule your family member’s physician provided in the medical certification (e.g., flare-ups, scheduled appointments, reduced schedule).
23. How is pregnancy/birth defined in MAPFML?
MAPFML separates the medical component of pregnancy from bonding. The medical certification from the treating provider will determine how much leave time is covered under personal medical leave (Bentley MAPFML personal medical leave or Bentley’s Parental Leave Policy ) for recovery from birth, typically 8 weeks. After that leave ends you will be eligible to continue using family leave for the bonding benefit. There is no waiting period for the bonding portion when used right after the medical leave. You may take up to a maximum of 26 weeks of combined paid family and medical leave during your 52-week benefit year under MAPFML.
24. How does Bentley’s parental leave policy coordinate with MAPFML?
Time taken under Bentley’s parental leave policy coordinates with and runs concurrently with MAPFML. Both begin on the first day of the leave along with any other state and federal leaves available.
Below are some examples of birth parent and non-birth parent leave coordination. Please note that these examples are for illustrative purposes only and that actual leave approvals may vary.
Example 1: Birth mother paid leave
In this example, the birth mother will receive 100% of her weekly wage through a combination of Bentley’s Parental Leave Policy and MAPFML for a total duration of 12 weeks (8 weeks childbirth/recovery leave, 4 weeks bonding leave). MAPFML will begin the same day as Bentley’s Parental Leave Policy and run concurrently. After 12 weeks, the birth mother will receive MAPFML benefits until benefits are exhausted. Assuming this is a normal delivery, there is a maximum of 20 weeks of leave available in this example.
Example 2: Non-birth parent paid leave
In this example, the non-birth parent will receive 100% of his or her weekly wage through a combination of Bentley’s Parental Leave Policy and MAPFML for a total duration of 4 weeks (4 weeks bonding leave). MAPFML will begin the same day as Bentley’s Parental Leave Policy and run concurrently. After 4 weeks, non-birth parents will receive MAPFML benefits. There is a maximum of 12 weeks of bonding leave available for non-birth parents in this example.
Leave should be taken within 12 months after birth or placement of the child. Lincoln Financial Group will determine benefits to be paid for the duration of the leaves, consisting of full pay for Bentley’s parental leave and MAPFML benefits for the remainder. For more information on parental leave, see Staff Parental Leave Policy and Faculty Parental Leave Policy.
25. What is the maximum time off and pay for someone who is on bedrest prior to delivery?
Under MAPFML, the maximum amount of time someone can be out and paid for is 26 weeks in a benefit year. For personal illness (bed rest), the maximum duration of time off and pay is 20 weeks, which would then leave you with an additional 6 weeks of time off and pay for bonding under MAPFML.
26. If I begin my parental bonding leave prior to my child’s first birthday, could my leave continue beyond my child’s first birthday?
No. You are only eligible for bonding leave during the first 12 months following birth. You should plan carefully, so that all your bonding leave is complete by your child’s first birthday. If you begin your leave one week before your child’s first birthday, you would only be eligible to take one week of leave.
27. If I took bonding leave in 2020, am I eligible for additional leave time in 2021 under the new MAPFML?
You may be entitled for MAPFML bonding benefits for up to one calendar year after the baby’s date of birth. If you took a leave of absence in 2020 for bonding, you are still entitled to time for bonding under MAPFML since the law was not in effect at that time.
28. What is MPLA?
The Massachusetts Parental Leave Act (MPLA)is another Massachusetts law that requires employers to provide 8 weeks of unpaid leave for the purpose of giving birth or for the placement of a child under the age of 18 (or under the age of 23 if the child is mentally or physically disabled) for adoption. MPLA will run at the same time as MAPFML. However, unlike MAPFML (as covered under the next two questions):
- MPLA leave applies for each birth. For example, if an employee has twins, they are eligible for 16 weeks of unpaid, job protected leave under MPLA.
- If two employees of the same employer give birth to or adopt the same child, the two employees are entitled to an aggregate of 8 weeks of leave.
See Massachusetts Parental Leave for more details.
29. I’m expecting twins in 2021. Do I receive additional leave time for multiple births under MAPFML?
No. Under MAPFML, the maximum amount of paid leave for bonding is 12 weeks, and there is no provision for multiple births.
MAPFML runs concurrent with other laws and, if eligible, you would receive a total of 16 weeks (for twins) of unpaid leave under MPLA and 12 weeks of unpaid leave under FMLA.
30. My partner also works at Bentley. Do we both get bonding leave under MAPFML?
Yes. Under MAPFML, both parents can take 12 weeks for bonding. You and your partner may choose to take family leave to bond with the child at the same time, or separately.
MAPFML runs concurrent with other laws and, if eligible, you would receive a total of 8 weeks of unpaid leave under MPLA and 12 weeks of unpaid leave under FMLA combined for both parents.
31. Can family members other than parents, such as a grandparent, take bonding leave under MAPFML?
No. Family leave can only be taken by a parent or legal guardian to bond with a child during the first 12 months after the child’s birth, adoption, or foster care placement.
32. Under what situations can I take family leave related to active military service?
There are two types of family leave available if you have a family member who is, was, or will be deployed in a foreign country. Beginning January 1, 2021:
You can take up to 26 weeks of family leave per year to care for a family member who is a current member of the Armed Forces, including the National Guard and Reserves, who is:
- Undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy for a serious health condition that was received or aggravated while they were deployed in a foreign country
- In outpatient status for a serious health condition that was received or aggravated while they were deployed in a foreign country
- On the temporary disability retired list for a serious injury or illness that happened while deployed in a foreign country
- On the temporary disability retired list for a serious injury or illness that existed before the beginning of the member's active duty, and was aggravated by service while deployed in a foreign country
You can take up to 12 weeks of family leave per year to manage any needs that take place immediately after a family member is deployed in a foreign country or has been notified of an upcoming deployment in a foreign country. These needs may include:
- Caring for a deployed family member’s child or other family member immediately before their deployment
- Making financial or legal arrangements for deployed family member
- Attending counseling
- Attending military events or ceremonies
- Spending time with a deployed family member during a rest or recuperation period
- Spending time with a family member when they return from deployment
- Making necessary arrangements following the death of a family member who had been deployed
See on the MAPFML website for more information.
Leave Process
33. Who do I notify if I’m already planning a leave that will begin after January 1, 2021?
Contact your Department Chair, Manager or Supervisor, and Lincoln Financial Group at least 30 days before your leave, or as soon as practicable. You can contact Lincoln Financial Group at 888-408-7300, or report via web or mobile device as follows:
- Visit
- Select “Register” under “New Users.”
- The “Create an Account” webpage will open.
- Enter BENTLEY in the “Company Code” field and click “Validate.”
- Enter your personal information in the corresponding fields.
- You must also create a username and password.
- When you have completed the required fields (marked by asterisks), click “Register.”
- Review the Web Agreement and, if you agree, select the “Accept” button to complete your registration. You must accept in order to register successfully.
Once your claim has been received, you will be assigned a claims specialist who will guide you through the process.
34. Where do my benefit payments come from?
Your benefits will continue to be paid from Bentley payroll.
Please note: These frequently asked questions are based on our current understanding of MAPFML, it’s regulations, and Lincoln Financial Group’s administrative processes. Details are subject to change, and we will provide updated information as applicable.