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University Life

SGA Team Photo

Student Government Association (SGA)

Executive Board Information

Rebecca DePietro Headshot
Rebecca DePietro '26
Business Economics-Law Major

Rebecca is a Junior majoring in Economics with a minor in Business Administration. As President, Rebecca is excited to be able to create the change that the student body wants to see on campus. She is thrilled to be working with a great executive board and a fantastic senate this year! 

On campus, Rebecca is the President of the Microfinance Group, a Lead Program Manager and Committee Member with the Bentley Service Learning and Civic Engagement Center, and is Production Head for TedXBentleyU. She is also a member of the Honors Program. Outside of school, Rebecca enjoys spending time with her friends and family, and also loves to travel. She is also a frequent museumgoer!

Involments: TedXBentleyU Production Head, Residential Assistant, DSP, and BSLCE

Fun Fact: I went to Europe over the Summer 

Viktor Uzunov headshot
Viktor Uzunov '26
Executive Vice President
Finance and Business Administration Major

Viktor is a junior who is majoring in both finance and business administration. He is the Vice President of Student Government and has been on the Senate since the first semester of his freshman year. 

Viktor is also the co-founder and President of the Eastern European Student Association at Bentley. Aside from academics his favorite team is Real Madrid, and he enjoys watching Formula One.

Involvement: Eastern European Student Association

Fun Fact: I put jelly on bagels  

Skyla Nolan Headshot
Skyla Nolan '26
VP of Student Life
Management Major

Skyla Nolan is a junior majoring in Management with minors in Philosophy, Psychology, and Business Administration, and is a member of the ASB program. As Vice President of Student Life, Skyla oversees the Student Affairs and Academics Committees, as well as any student-facing events.

On campus, Skyla is also an executive board member for the Arts & Performance Organization, Bentley Active Minds, Bentley Philosophy Club, and WBTY Radio Bentley. She is also on the Orientation Team and works as a philosophy tutor on campus. Outside of school, Skyla loves to write and spend time with her friends.

Involvements: Arts & Performance Organization, Bentley Active Minds, Bentley Philosophy Club, WBTY Radio Bentley, Orientation Team

Fun Fact: I’ve climbed Mt. Washington!

Niko Fidias Headshot
Niko Fidias '26
VP of Operations
Finance Major

Niko Fidias is a junior majoring in Finance with a minor in Law. As Vice President of Operations, Niko will oversee the Organization Management and Campus Services Committee as well as acting as the treasurer for the Student Government Association.

On Campus, Niko is also involved in HELLAS as treasurer and a competitor for Bentley’s Moot Court team. Outside of school, Niko often is found in the gym or spending time with friends and family. 

Involvements: Student Government Association, HELLAS, Moot Court

Fun Fact: I am double jointed in both my arms

Arpi headshot
Arpi Sharma '25
Chair, Allocation & Internal Audit Committee 
Finance Major

Arpi is a Senior part of the Advanced Standing in Finance program, majoring in Finance with a minor in Computer Information Systems. As AIA Chair, Arpi is dedicated to helping support the Bentley Student experience through the funding and support of student organizations on campus. 

On campus, Arpi is a Career Colleague for the Pulsifer Career Development Center, Rush Head for Alpha Kappa Psi, Senior Advisor for South Asian Student Association, and Building Manager for SP&E. Outside of school Arpi loves to go on runs, hikes, play squash, and dance. 

Involvements: South Asian Students Association, Bentley Wall Street Group, Career Colleague, Alpha Kappa Psi, SP&E Building Manager

 Fun Fact: I love to hike

Connor Salvatore Headshot
Connor Salvatore '26
Chief of Staff
Corporate Finance Major

Connor Salvatore is a Junior majoring in Corporate Finance with a minor in Management. As Chief of Staff, Connor will be responsible for most of the record-keeping and will oversee all of the internal and external communication of the Student Government Association. 

On campus, Connor is a member of Bentley’s only Acapella group, “Off the Clock”,  and an executive board member of Bentley’s Arts and Performance Organization. Outside of school, Connor enjoys going to the gym and hanging with friends. 

Involvement: Arts & Performance Organization, Off the Clock

Fun Fact: I am left handed

To See Our Accomplishments

Committee Information

Academic Affairs Committee

Academic Affairs Chair 
 Lucas Zarember

Committee information:

  • Advocate for the students in academics
  • Provide transparency on student concerns
  • Meet with proper faculty and administration to transfer information.
  • Respond to students regarding academic concerns

Campus Services Committee

Campus Services Chair 
Sophia Bono

Committee Information:

  • Advocate for students regarding services that Bentley provides
  • Provide constructive feedback to offices on campus 
  • Meet with the proper administration to transfer information.
  • Provide constructive feedback of the student body to Facilities Management, Sodexo, the Mail Room, parking, and other services provided to students
  • Respond to students regarding campus services concerns.

Communications Committee

Communications Chair 
Siri Hollowitch

Committee Information:

  • Construct campus-wide emails on behalf of the Student Government Association
  • Run the SGA Instagram page and Website with frequent posts of senate business and campus events 
  • Create promotional items for SGA to improve visibility on campus  

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair 
Hayden Shattuck

Committee Information:

  • Uphold the values of the University and ensure that all identities and perspectives are brought into the conversation.
  • Regularly respond to student concerns related to DEI around campus.
  • Work with Student Organizations to ensure proper representation and inclusion across campus

Organization Management Committee

Organization Management Chair 
Josh Pope

Committee Information:

  • Oversee the Organization Recognition Process and make the recommendation of approval or denial to the Student Government Association
  • Demonstrated Need, meaning there is no organization on campus that fills this need.
  • Accessibility, meaning it is open and available to all undergraduate students at Bentley University.
  • Continuity Plan, a plan that outlines how the Student Organization will continue for the following years.

Student Affairs Committee

Student Affairs  
Edward Erofeyev

Committee Information:

  • Advocate for the student body with issues regarding their life on campus related to residential life, athletics, campus safety, and student activities.
  • Responsible for maintaining positive relations with residential life staff, campus police officers, Student Programs and Engagement Staff, Athletic staff, and other staff relevant to Student Affairs.
  • Regularly respond to student affairs-related issues brought forth by students.

The content of this page is developed and managed by the Bentley Student Government Association