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Community Wellbeing and Health Promotion

Adopt healthy habits that will help you thrive


We offer programs, confidential services and skill building on common health topics and experiences that can get in the way of student success. All services are free and we approach our work using equitable, non-judgmental, evidence-backed approaches to equip students (and the people on campus who support them), with skills and resources to bolster wellbeing inside and outside of the classroom. We support students of all abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, racial and ethnic identities and religious and cultural practices in ways that honor who you are and your lived experiences. We also have two student leadership teams, the WEs and RSVPs who lead peer-to-peer education and training.

Topics We Cover

Programs and Consultations

We facilitate programs on several health topics and can customize content specific to the needs of your group. We also offer individual health coaching for sleep and stress management and consultations to help students reduce risks around substance use. Topics we cover:

  • Bystander Intervention
  • Sleep
  • Stress and resilience
  • Sexual Health
  • Safer Substance Use
  • Healthy Relationships
  • And more

Request a Training or Appointment

A student speaks with someone them her a form

Peer Education

Our peer education teams facilitate peer-to-peer trainings within our community. The Wellbeing Educators or WEs provide programs and trainings on mental health, sleep, stress management and safer substance use. The Relationship + Sexual Violence Prevention Educators or RSVPs provide prevention education and skill building on topics like dating violence, sexual assault, consent, coercion and stalking. 

Request a Peer-Led Program

A hand raking sand

Good Vibes

The Good Vibes Challenge and our Good Vibes Day are two of our most popular programs. The program resources are available to students year-round! In collaboration with our colleagues in counseling, we developed 16 handouts of free and time-limited activities you can do that are backed by science to improve wellbeing. 

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Student Center

Falc Yeah

Whether you are choosing to have sex or not, we make accessing safer sex supplies and sexual health information easy and discreet. Between mid-September and May, students can order Falc Yeah kits that can be picked up at the beginning of each month outside of the Gender Sexuality and Student Programs Lounge. Meant to supplement your own supplies, each kit contains helpful information and some fun swag. We have latex free options too. Don’t forget, the Health Center also offers express STI testing every Wednesday which you can register for on the health portal.

Explore Health Topics

It's common for students to struggle with things like sleep, healthy eating, stress management and self-care. Explore these topics to learn how to build well-being into your routines.

Self-Care and Balance

Stress Reduction

Do you have a plan for how to manage stress? If not, we can help. Whether it is getting exercise, practicing gratitude or connecting with friends, stress management is important for your success at Bentley. Remember, if stress is becoming too much to manage, our staff in the Counseling Center and Health Center are here to help too.

Stress-reduction Programs 

  • Monthly “Take a Paws” visits with therapy dogs
  • Mindfulness and Meditation Classes: 4 weeks, no experience required

  • P.O.P. Up (Pause on Purpose) activities

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Quality  Zzz’s promote A’s! Sleep impacts both emotional well-being and physical well-being. You need 8 hours of sleep each night and sometimes school work, group projects, social media and hanging out can get in the way.

From developing consistent sleep/wake times to napping to learning about quality sleep, we equip students with tools and strategies to improve sleep habits. Our favorite apps and websites for sleep information are listed on our resource page.

Sleep Programs

  • Build a Bedder Bedtime Routine
  • Week of Sleep

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Fitness Classes and Movement

Regular exercise, even in short intervals, can improve your mood, help with managing stress, and keep your body healthy. This fall, we will be launching an on-demand fitness platform so students can access yoga, mindfulness and fitness classes at any time.

Fitness classes not your thing? Consider visiting the Dana Center, joining intramural or club sports teams, or going for a walk or run

Learn more about Bentley's recreational spaces and fitness classes

Substance Use and Harm Reduction

Alcohol, Marijuana and Other Drug Education

We support your individual choices, motivations and goals. Our role is to promote safe, responsible use of legal substances. We offer several educational programs throughout the year and are available to consult and provide training for student groups.

Sometimes, choices around alcohol, marijuana or other substances can impact physical or emotional health, academics and relationships. Contact us if you are concerned about a peer or just curious to learn more about your use.

Confidential consultations via our B.A.S.I.C.S. program and Cessation services are available to students. We can also assist with connecting students to off campus resources such as local support groups and other community resources.

Email Jessica Greher Traue to start the conversation or find help.  

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Vaping and Smoking Education, Cessation and Support

Bentley is a smoke-free and vape-free campus. Because it affects your dopamine levels, nicotine use from tobacco or e-smoking devices can impact your physical and emotional well-being and brain development. Similar to inhaled smoke, the aerosols ingested and emitted from vaping devices contain carcinogenic chemicals.

Contact us if you need help cutting back or quitting cigarettes or e-smoking devices or tobacco products. We offer confidential consultations and free Juuling and Nicotine Cessation classes. Email Jessica Greher Traue for information.

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Sexual Health and Relationships

Sexual Health and Safer Sex

Although not everyone on our campus chooses to be sexually active, access to safer sex materials, health information related to sexual health and sexuality, Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing and prevention, and clinical care are important to us.

Equally as important is community education around individual choices and values, healthy relationships, consent and access to supportive resources. 

Safer Sex Programs and Services

  • Safer sex training for student groups by request

  • Education and outreach on contraception options, STI prevention, testing and PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) for HIV

  • Access to free safer sex materials for students

  • Sexual and reproductive health care at our Health Center which includes exams, screenings, contraceptive counseling, emergency contraception, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and preventative treatment for HIV with PrEP.

Tips & Facts

Consent and Healthy Relationships

You are going to develop many relationships at college. Whether it’s a roommate, classmate, teammate, faculty member or partner, establishing healthy boundaries, knowing healthy communication skills, defining consent and identifying unhealthy or harmful behaviors in relationships is important.

We host training and campus-wide awareness events, such as Consent Day, to help students build skills and awareness for these complicated topics.

We are one of several confidential resources for students with questions or concerns that fall under Campus Title IX policies. Collectively, there are many offices and departments that support prevention and education for students in these areas. Visit our Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence page to learn more about community response and engagement.

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Get a quick check up

Answer questions about your alcohol or marijuana use and receive immediate, personalized confidential feedback.

Meet our Team

24-Hr Emergency Information

Call (781) 891-3131

Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence

Learn how you can help prevent sexual and interpersonal violence, support survivors and become empowered allies.

Find People and Resources