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Career Success Summit

For Current Bentley Graduate Students: Friday, September 20, 2024

The Career Success Summit is designed for all Bentley graduate students to explore the essentials needed to position themselves for career success and impact their ROI. Join Graduate Career Development (GCD) as we offer you a variety of options including personalized coaching, and expert presentations and workshops to meet your needs, no matter where you are on your career journey. You’ll create a community, build confidence and gain essential skills. 

This is a free event offered only to current Bentley graduate students. Various Zoom links for presentation and workshops are below. 

Why Attend:

  • Specialized Presentations: Gain a deeper understanding of the role of storytelling and curiosity in networking and presentation of self. Discover the critical benefits of our foundational career self-assessment tool to evaluate yourself and your career and identify your best set of options. 
  • Customized Workshops: Choose to engage with workshops designed to meet your needs no matter where you are on your career journey. Workshops are designed for graduate students, covering topics such as U.S. job search strategies, career and self-awareness, impactful speaking, relationship building, networking and personal well-being. 
  • Personalized Coaching: Meet 1:1 to refine your resume, LinkedIn profile, and interview preparation, or to discuss your immediate and unique needs. 
  • Career Expo: Drop in and ask questions about career resources and relevant department information. 
  • Meet Up: Gather as a community in a more informal atmosphere to discuss what you have learned and how you will implement your new found knowledge.
  • Incentives: Attendees will have the opportunity to win exclusive informational alumni interview opportunities, gain funding for professional conferences, and other prizes!   

Agenda: Friday, September 20 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

five graduate students smile at camera at career fair

  • Morning - LaCava 3rd Floor 
    • 11:00 a.m. Check-In until 4 p.m.
    • 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. - Small group interactive workshop on Effective Relationship Building with Rig Noel and Liz Paushter as well as Fast Track Coaching sessions (15 min each)
    • Prizes and incentives
  • Mid-day - LaCava 3rd Floor  
    • 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Summit Presentation: Connecting your Career Success with Self-Awareness of and Presentation of Self
      • Career Success through Curiosity, Storytelling with Professor Andy Aylesworth, Bentley University Professor of Marketing
      • Impact of Self-Assessment with CareerLeader with Sean Ferguson, Bentley University VP of Strategy and Innovation
      • Prizes for participants
  • Lunch - LaCava 3rd Floor - 1:00 to 1:30 p.m. - 
  • Afternoon - LaCava 3rd Floor
    • 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. - Career Expo with additional individual coaching opportunities (pre-register) and information from relevant departments and on essential resources for career success (in person only)
    • 1:45 to 4:30 p.m. - Workshops on career essentials (45 minutes each, see detailed information below)
      • 1:45 to 2:30 p.m. 
        • Option A: Presenting your leadership value proposition with John Hutchings (prerequisite: completed CareerLeader assessment - see your Career Coach with questions)
        • Option B: Strategies for overcoming stress and anxiety with Pam Garramone
        • Prizes for participants
      • 2:45 to 3:30 p.m. 
        • Option A: Upskilling your ability to speak with impact with Rushab Kamdar
        • Option B: Managing various professional networks with Yaro Fong-Olivares and Dominique Wilburn
        • Prizes for participants
      • 3:45 to 4:30 p.m. 
        • Option A: Strategies for overcoming stress and anxiety with Pam Garramone
        • Option B: Understanding U.S. career search and employment with Dan Beaudry
        • Prizes for participants
      • 4:30 to 4:45 p.m. - Wrap up in LaCava 3rd floor with prizes
      • 5:00 p.m. - Meet up at the Mighty Squirrel, 411 Waverly Oaks Road in Waltham, MA, with prizes

Pre-Register on Handshake


Career Success through Curiosity

The path to career success is paved with curiosity, cooperation and creativity.  Curiosity leads to knowledge, cooperation leads to connections, and creativity leads to innovation and enjoyment.  In this session we will practice listening to others to understand their story, in order to better tell our own stories.  Interactive activities will enhance your listening, collaborative and creative skills so that you can be more interested, interesting, and memorable to others. 

Presented by Andy Aylesworth, Professor of Marketing at Bentley: Andy is a Professor of Marketing and Chair of the Marketing Department at Bentley, where he has taught since 1994. His focus areas include Creativity, Advertising, Marketing Communication, and Marketing Fundamentals. His research explores creativity in business and pedagogy. Andy uses improvisational comedy techniques, which he learned through performances in the Boston area, to enhance his teaching, particularly in his class "Enhancing Creativity." He has taught this course at Bentley and other institutions, including Rotterdam School of Management and the University of Adelaide. Andy has also collaborated with companies like Keurig/Dr. Pepper and the Australian Sports Commission to foster creativity. His work has appeared in various academic journals, and he previously worked as an account executive at Saffer Advertising in Chicago.

career fair
grad career fair

Career Leader: How Your Interests, Motivation, and Skills Help Define Your Professional Path

Most graduate students have returned school to either change or accelerate their career trajectory.  The CareerLeader assessment is the foundation of Bentley's career management and coaching process.  This assessment evaluates the individuals interests, motivations, skills, and culture fit to help identify the best set of options for students and alumni to maximize career choices success.  

Presented by Sean Ferguson, Bentley VP of Strategy & Innovation

Sean joined Bentley in 2022 as vice president for Strategy and Innovation, with a history of successful strategic planning for global business schools. Previously, he was senior associate dean at Asia School of Business and has held leadership roles in business education in Asia. Before higher education, he had a distinguished career in energy, fast-moving consumer goods, management consulting, and software industries. Sean has led top business school programs and served on international boards. He has a doctorate in Global Education from the University of Southern California, an MBA from Rice University, and a B.S. in Engineering from the University of Michigan.

Workshop Series

"Thriving in the Business World: Overcome Stress and Anxiety and Feel Happier!" with Pam Garramone

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, many graduate students face immense pressure to excel, often leading to stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. This talk will explore practical Positive Psychology strategies for managing these challenges, helping you shift from merely surviving to truly thriving in your career. We will delve into the roots of negative self-talk, uncovering ways to reframe these thought patterns and cultivate resilience. By the end of the session, you’ll be equipped with tools to navigate your professional journey with confidence, happiness, and a positive mindset.
1. Learn science-based Positive Psychology strategies for increased happiness and wellbeing.  
2. Practice science-based Positive Psychology strategies to increase happiness and well-being. When participants experience the feelings associated with these practices, they are more likely to do it.
3. Apply new happiness habits into their personal and professional lives.Pam Garramone (need to correct spelling): 

About Pam Garramone, M.Ed -

Pam Garramone, M.Ed., is an award-winning speaker who presents positive psychology - the science of happiness - to students, educators, and corporate and community employees. Through professional training and meaningful personal practices, Pam has found that the smallest changes make the biggest difference. You can truly become happier through the development of a new mindset and simple yet powerful exercises. Pam has shared her insights with thousands of stressed-out and over-burdened youth and adults who have learned that feeling happier is simple when you practice happiness habits. In addition to being an in-demand speaker, Pam is a positive psychology life coach and author of Be, Happier.  For more information, visit

“What Every International Student Should Know About U.S. Employment” with Dan Beaudry

Dan BeaudryInterested in hearing how H-1B sponsorship happens from the inside? Dan Beaudry, former head of campus recruiting at, shares the potent job search system used by many international students to find U.S. employment. H-1B's are won in ways you likely don't expect.  What you'll discover in this presentation may surprise you:

  • Learn how to secure H-1B sponsorship at companies that have a policy against sponsoring H-1B visas.
  • Learn why 70 percent of open jobs are never advertised - and how to find them before anyone else.
  • Learn why human resources is often an obstacle instead of a conduit to finding a U.S. job-and how to bypass it.
  • Learn why submitting résumés online is not an effective use of your time-and how you can better invest that time.

Our newly remote world offers more opportunities than you might suspect!

About Dan Beaudry 

Dan Beaudry is the author of Power Ties: The International Student’s Guide to Finding a Job in the United States. He has been a guest speaker at events for the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the MBA Career Services Council, the HR Planning Society, the International Careers Consortium, the National Association of Asian MBA’s and over 100 universities and business schools across the country.  He holds a BA from Vanderbilt University, and an MA in International Relations from Boston University. Find more information about Dan, and The International Student’s Guide to Finding a Job in th United States at

"Speak With Impact" with Rushab Kamdar

In this dynamic session, students will master the art of speaking with confidence and authority, setting themselves apart in networking and interviews. They will refine their vocal speed, pitch, tone, and melody, enabling them to communicate with clarity and energy while eliminating filler words. Through a series of engaging exercises, students will also learn to speak spontaneously without hesitation, keeping their audience captivated.

Rushab Kamdar is a serial entrepreneur, with over 20 years of experience, having owned and managed 8 businesses across 10 diverse industries. Currently, Rushab runs The Confidence Company, a professional development accelerator helping business professionals master career skills through workshops, coaching and keynote speaking. Rushab’s programs are carefully designed to enhance participants' confidence, leadership, business acumen and communication skills, enabling them to excel as standout job candidates, and executive-minded professionals. Rushab holds a Bachelor of Science in International Business and Finance from Drexel University and an M.B.A. in Finance from Rutgers University.

“Mentorship, Sponsorship, & Networks” with Dr. Yaro Fong-Olivares and Dominique Wilburn

Specifically designed for graduate students, this workshop empowers participants with the knowledge and skills to seek and maintain mentors, sponsors, and professional networks. Through discussion, relevant data, and practical exercises, the workshop explores the differences among these three segments, explores the three types of professional networks and their value, how to serve as either a mentor/sponsor or a mentee/protégé, and specific strategies and tools to leverage this knowledge. Participants will delve into the importance of cultural awareness and emotional intelligence while building and maintaining relationships within their professional networks. The workshop emphasizes the significance of fostering multigenerational connections and offers graduate students’ tools to build their networks with fellow students and Bentley’s extensive alumni community.

Dr. Yaro Fong-Olivares (she/her) serves as Executive Director of Gloria Cordes Larson Center for Women and Business at Bentley University, an organization dedicated to advancing women and intersectional gender equity from the classroom to the boardroom. As an organizational development leader focusing on systems change, equity, and inclusion, she has developed and delivered programs worldwide that focus on advancing an intersectional equity-centered approach to complex, often covert, workplace dynamics. Dr. Fong-Olivares received a doctorate in Organizational and Leadership Psychology with a concentration in the neuroscience of leadership from William James College; she has an M.S. in Organizational Change Management from the Milano School of Management at The New School; and a B.A. Sociology, Barnard College, Columbia University. 

Dominique serves as the Director of Programs and Communications within Bentley’s Center for Women and Business. Dominique leads all university initiatives on behalf of the CWB and manages institutional partnership relationships and strategic internal collaborations focused on advancing intersectional gender equity and driving the dialogue around leadership on campus. Before her role at Bentley, Dominique managed the DEI initiatives for a global non-profit study abroad organization. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Drew University and is completing her MBA at Bentley University.

“Identify and Talk About Your Leadership Value Proposition “with John Hutchings

john hutchingsYour goal is to position yourself as the candidate of choice. A person is hired or promoted based on the value they offer in the new position. The employer is looking for a candidate who has a set of interests, skills, personality characteristics, and corporate culture preferences in a candidate who best fits the position. But most candidates cannot talk about their value to an employer or in the marketplace.
CareerLeader® is an easy self-assessment hack to identify your leadership value for employers. This workshop will be an interactive, in-depth workshop where you will self-reflect and help each other to identify your leadership superpowers and practice expressing them. 

Pre-requisite: Participants must complete a CareerLeader assessment and bring a copy to the workshop. Contact your Career Coach for CareerLeader access instructions, if needed.

John Hutchings, a Certified Career Management Coach (CCMC), CareerLeader® Assessment Coach, and a 360Reach Personal Brand Survey Analyst, recently moved to the metropolitan Boston area from Raleigh, NC, where he was the Associate Director of Careers for North Carolina State’s Evening and Online MBA programs. Prior to NC State, John was an Associate Director of Careers for full-time MBAs at the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, AZ, owned a marketing strategy and planning firm in Boston, MA, and had a variety of sales and marketing jobs. A frequent guest speaker and presenter on career management, John earned his MBA from Columbia University and graduated with a BBA from the University of Iowa.

“Effective Relationship Building (ERB)” with Rig Noel and Liz Paushter

Connecting with strangers can be scary and a daunting task for many; however, it is the #1 way of getting closer to accomplishing your dreams with the help of others. Our Effective Relationship Building (ERB) workshop is designed to break down the process of establishing strong connections from the start and developing long-lasting relationships. We believe in "ERB", let's Light It Up together!

Rigobert (Rig) Noel, M.S., M.M, is the Associate Director of the Graduate and Alumni Pulsifer Career Development Center at Bentley University. Rig has 17+ years of experience in Higher Ed., developing and executing leadership programs and content, recruiting, managing people and operations and mentoring. Rig is a small business owner who manages real estate, and develops and offers leadership programs for children in the K-12 districts, young adults in trades, and for college training and experienced professionals. Rig holds a Master of Science in Leadership and Administration from Boston College, a Master of Management from Cambridge College, and a Bachelor of Arts in Human Services from UMass Boston.

Liz Paushter, M.Ed., M.A., is the Director of Education Innovation and Learning & Director of the Badavas Center at Bentley University. Liz Paushter has 20 years of experience in education: teaching, instructional design, program development, leadership training, educational technology, and innovation consulting. As an entrepreneur and business owner, Liz has designed leadership, pedagogical, and community training programs for universities, nonprofit organizations, and K-12 districts. Liz holds an M.Ed. in eLearning and Instructional Design from Northeastern University, an M.A. in English from the University of Vermont, and a B.A. in English and Textual Studies from Syracuse University.

Register for the Career Success Summit