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student setting up their residence hall room

Incoming Student Housing Processes

The Residential Center strives to ensure that on-campus living is a welcoming and supportive experience for all residential students. This page will provide you with more information about housing assignment processes for incoming first-year, transfer, and exchange students. Please refer to the section below that corresponds with your student status. You will also find information about medical/religious accommodations and gender inclusive housing.

If you have questions after reviewing the information below, please contact our office at 781-891-2148 or

Incoming First-Year Students

Spring 2025

The housing process requires incoming first-year students to complete two online forms:

  1. Housing and Meal Plan Contract - this is the housing/leasing agreement that all students must sign in order to live in campus housing. Students who will be under 18 by the contract deadline must have a parent/guardian sign the contract.
  2. Housing Application - this form allows students to indicate their room type preferences and fill out the roommate matching questionnaire.

In order to secure a housing assignment, both the Housing and Meal Plan Contract and the Housing Application must be completed by Friday, December 6, 2024 at 4:00 PM EST. We cannot guarantee housing for students who do not complete the forms by this deadline. Any students who complete the forms after the deadline will be added to a waitlist and considered for housing in January after all other housing processes for Spring 2025 have concluded, depending upon availability.

Optional process steps:

  • Requesting a Specific Roommate - incoming first-year students who know another incoming first-year student they would like to live with are able to request that person as a roommate. All roommate requests must be mutual to be approved, meaning all involved parties must request each other.
  • Requesting an Accommodation - students with a need for a medical or religious housing accommodation will be able to submit a request using an online form. Please scroll down to the section on this page dedicated to accommodations for more information.

Important process information:

  • Please pay attention to all deadlines. Students who do not complete the required forms by the published deadlines will not be guaranteed housing. Anyone who indicates interest in housing after the deadline will be added to a waitlist, pending availability of housing options.
  • All new students will be pre-billed for a first-year double room and the standard Block 304 meal plan (required for first-year students). Housing Assignments will be completed and communicated in late December. At that time, your student billing account will be adjusted to reflect the appropriate room charge if your actual room assignment is a different room type. A link to our current housing rates can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • Please note that housing options are limited for the Spring 2025 semester due to a high level of campus occupancy, particularly in the traditional first-year residence halls. Students are able to indicate their preferences in the First-Year Housing Application; while we will do our best to accommodate preferences whenever possible, please note that we may not always be able to house students in their preferred room type or housing style.
  • Spring move-in day for new students is scheduled for Thursday, January 16th, 2025. Information about times and logistics will be communicated in December 2024.

This information has also been sent to all incoming first-year students via their Bentley email address.


Fall 2025

Detailed information about housing processes for new first-year students admitted for the fall 2025 semester will be available beginning in late May 2025. This information will be emailed directly to students via their Bentley email account, as well as posted here. Please check back at that time for specific details, dates, and deadlines.

As a general overview, the housing process requires students to complete two online forms:

  1. Housing and Meal Plan Contract - this is the housing/leasing agreement that all students must sign in order to live in campus housing. Students who will be under 18 by the contract deadline must have a parent/guardian sign the contract.
  2. Housing Application - this form allows students to indicate their room type preferences and fill out the roommate matching questionnaire. Students who are interested in living in a Defined Community will be able to complete an optional portion of the form to apply to live in these communities.

Optional process steps:

  • Requesting a Specific Roommate - incoming first-year students who know another incoming first-year student they would like to live with are able to request that person as a roommate. All roommate requests must be mutual to be approved, meaning all involved parties must request each other.
  • Requesting an Accommodation - students with a need for a medical or religious housing accommodation will be able to submit a request using an online form. Please scroll down to the section on this page dedicated to accommodations for more information.

Important process information:

  • Please pay attention to all deadlines. Students who do not complete the required forms by the published deadlines will not be guaranteed housing. Anyone who indicates interest in housing after the deadline will be added to a waitlist, pending availability of housing options.
  • All new students will be pre-billed for a first-year double room and the standard Block 304 meal plan (required for first-year students). Housing Assignments will be completed and communicated in late July. At that time, your student billing account will be adjusted to reflect the appropriate room charge if your actual room assignment is a different room type. A link to our current housing rates can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • Fall move-in takes place in late August/early September, and specific information will be available beginning in May 2025.
Incoming Transfer Students

Spring 2025

The housing process requires incoming transfer students to complete two online forms:

  1. Housing and Meal Plan Contract - this is the housing/leasing agreement that all students must sign in order to live in campus housing. Students who will be under 18 by the contract deadline must have a parent/guardian sign the contract.
  2. Housing Application - this form allows students to indicate their room type preferences and fill out the roommate matching questionnaire.

In order to secure a housing assignment, both the Housing and Meal Plan Contract and the Housing Application must be completed by Friday, December 6, 2024 at 4:00 PM EST. We cannot guarantee housing for students who do not complete the forms by this deadline. Any students who complete the forms after the deadline will be added to a waitlist and considered for housing in January after all other housing processes for Spring 2025 have concluded, depending upon availability.

Optional process steps:

  • Requesting a Specific Roommate - incoming transfer students who know another incoming transfer student they would like to live with are able to request that person as a roommate. All roommate requests must be mutual to be approved, meaning all involved parties must request each other.
  • Requesting an Accommodation - students with a need for a medical or religious housing accommodation will be able to submit a request using an online form. Please scroll down to the section on this page dedicated to accommodations for more information.

Important process information:

  • Please pay attention to all deadlines. Students who do not complete the required forms by the published deadlines will not be guaranteed housing. Anyone who indicates interest in housing after the deadline will be added to a waitlist, pending availability of housing options.
  • All new transfer students will be pre-billed for a double bedroom (suite double) and the Block 240 meal plan. Housing Assignments will be completed and communicated in late December. At that time, your student billing account will be adjusted to reflect the appropriate room charge if your actual room assignment is a different room type. A link to our current housing rates can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • Please note that housing options are limited for the Spring 2025 semester due to a high level of campus occupancy. Students are able to indicate their preferences in the Transfer/Exchange Housing Application; while we will do our best to accommodate preferences whenever possible, please note that we may not always be able to house students in their preferred room type or housing style.
  • Spring move-in day for new students is scheduled for Thursday, January 16th, 2025. Information about times and logistics will be communicated in December 2024.

This information has also been sent to all incoming transfer students via their Bentley email address.


Fall 2025

Detailed information about housing processes for new transfer students admitted for the fall 2025 semester will be available beginning in late May 2025. This information will be emailed directly to students via their Bentley email account, as well as posted here. Please check back at that time for specific details, dates, and deadlines.

As a general overview, the housing process requires students to complete two online forms:

  1. Housing and Meal Plan Contract - this is the housing/leasing agreement that all students must sign in order to live in campus housing. Students who will be under 18 by the contract deadline must have a parent/guardian sign the contract.
  2. Housing Application - this form allows students to indicate their room type preferences and fill out the roommate matching questionnaire. 

Optional process steps:

  • Requesting a Specific Roommate - incoming transfer students who know another incoming transfer student they would like to live with are able to request that person as a roommate. All roommate requests must be mutual to be approved, meaning all involved parties must request each other.
  • Requesting an Accommodation - students with a need for a medical or religious housing accommodation will be able to submit a request using an online form. Please scroll down to the section on this page dedicated to accommodations for more information.

Important process information:

  • Please pay attention to all deadlines. Students who do not complete the required forms by the published deadlines will not be guaranteed housing. Anyone who indicates interest in housing after the deadline will be added to a waitlist, pending availability of housing options.
  • All new transfer students will be pre-billed for a double bedroom (suite double) and the Block 240 meal plan. Housing Assignments will be completed and communicated in late July. At that time, your student billing account will be adjusted to reflect the appropriate room charge (if necessary). A link to our current housing rates can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • Fall move-in takes place in late August/early September, and specific information will be available beginning in May 2025.
Incoming Exchange Students

Spring 2025

The housing process requires incoming exchange students to complete two online forms:

  1. Housing and Meal Plan Contract - this is the housing/leasing agreement that all students must sign in order to live in campus housing. Students who will be under 18 by the contract deadline must have a parent/guardian sign the contract.
  2. Housing Application - this form allows students to indicate their room type preferences and fill out the roommate matching questionnaire.

In order to secure a housing assignment, both the Housing and Meal Plan Contract and the Housing Application must be completed by Friday, December 6, 2024 at 4:00 PM EST. We cannot guarantee housing for students who do not complete the forms by this deadline. Any students who complete the forms after the deadline will be added to a waitlist and considered for housing in January after all other housing processes for Spring 2025 have concluded, depending upon availability.

Optional process steps:

  • Requesting a Specific Roommate - incoming exchange students who know another incoming exchange student they would like to live with are able to request that person as a roommate. All roommate requests must be mutual to be approved, meaning all involved parties must request each other.
  • Requesting an Accommodation - students with a need for a medical or religious housing accommodation will be able to submit a request using an online form. Please scroll down to the section on this page dedicated to accommodations for more information.

Important process information:

  • Please pay attention to all deadlines. Students who do not complete the required forms by the published deadlines will not be guaranteed housing. Anyone who indicates interest in housing after the deadline will be added to a waitlist, pending availability of housing options.
  • All new exchange students will be pre-billed for a double bedroom (suite double) and the Block 240 meal plan. Housing Assignments will be completed and communicated in late December. At that time, your student billing account will be adjusted to reflect the appropriate room charge if your actual room assignment is a different room type. A link to our current housing rates can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • Please note that housing options are limited for the Spring 2025 semester due to a high level of campus occupancy. Students are able to indicate their preferences in the Transfer/Exchange Housing Application; while we will do our best to accommodate preferences whenever possible, please note that we may not always be able to house students in their preferred room type or housing style.
  • Spring move-in day for new students is scheduled for Thursday, January 16th, 2025. Information about times and logistics will be communicated in December 2024.

This information has also been sent to all incoming exchange students via their Bentley email address.


Fall 2025

Detailed information about housing processes for new exchange students admitted for the fall 2025 semester will be available beginning in late May 2025. This information will be emailed directly to students via their Bentley email account, as well as posted here. Please check back at that time for specific details, dates, and deadlines.

As a general overview, the housing process requires students to complete two online forms:

  1. Housing and Meal Plan Contract - this is the housing/leasing agreement that all students must sign in order to live in campus housing. Students who will be under 18 by the contract deadline must have a parent/guardian sign the contract.
  2. Housing Application - this form allows students to indicate their room type preferences and fill out the roommate matching questionnaire. 

Optional process steps:

  • Requesting a Specific Roommate - incoming transfer students who know another incoming transfer student they would like to live with are able to request that person as a roommate. All roommate requests must be mutual to be approved, meaning all involved parties must request each other.
  • Requesting an Accommodation - students with a need for a medical or religious housing accommodation will be able to submit a request using an online form. Please scroll down to the section on this page dedicated to accommodations for more information.

Important process information:

  • Please pay attention to all deadlines. Students who do not complete the required forms by the published deadlines will not be guaranteed housing. Anyone who indicates interest in housing after the deadline will be added to a waitlist, pending availability of housing options.
  • All new transfer students will be pre-billed for a double bedroom (suite double) and the Block 240 meal plan. Housing Assignments will be completed and communicated in late July. At that time, your student billing account will be adjusted to reflect the appropriate room charge (if necessary). A link to our current housing rates can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • Fall move-in takes place in late August/early September, and specific information will be available beginning in May 2025.
Medical & Religious Accommodation Process and Timeline

Bentley University provides equal opportunities for all students with diagnosed disabilities (as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act and with documentation from a specialist) and/or religious needs by way of reasonable accommodation. The petition process for a Housing & Meal Plan Accommodation is a pre-selection process, with all approved applicants securing an appropriate assignment before their respective housing selection/assignment process begins if the materials below are submitted by the respective deadline. Please note that this is an application process that is subject to review* by the Housing Accommodation Committee. The Committee will review all petitions and communicate a decision to the applicant.

Students must submit documentation from a medical specialist to be considered for a medical accommodation. Students submitting a request for a religious accommodation do not require supporting documentation. Please note that housing accommodations may not be approved if the impact of the respective disability or religious practice does not warrant a specific housing accommodation for the student to be able to function successfully in a university housing setting.

If you have any questions about this process or would like more information, please contact

Each applicant must complete all steps below to apply for a housing and/or meal plan accommodation, including:
1. Full completion of the online form (links below).
2. A self-written statement from the applicant detailing the specific style of housing they are requesting and why their medical or religious situation necessitates this accommodation.
3. (medical accommodation requests only) Attachment of supporting documentation in a detailed typed-letter, on letterhead, with a hand signature and date from a medical specialist. This letter must include the following information: diagnosis, symptoms and impact of diagnosis, treatment plan and history of treatment, recommended accommodation, and an explanation of the direct correlation between the symptoms/impact and the recommended accommodation (i.e. why the accommodation is necessary to prevent a significant impairment). All medical documentation must be either originally written in English or translated to English by a professional translation service.

To be considered prior to the respective housing process, this form must be completed by the following dates:
·    New Students for Fall 2025: Due by 4:00PM on Wednesday, June 18, 2025
·    New Students for Spring 2026: Due by 4:00PM on Wednesday, December 3, 2025

Petitions received after the above deadlines will be reviewed by the Committee and a decision will be communicated to the applicant within 2-3 weeks. Students who submit a petition after their respective deadline and are approved for an accommodation after housing processes are underway or completed may not be able to receive a housing option that meets their approved accommodation, depending on availability. If a space later becomes available that meets the accommodation, it will be offered to the student.

Below are examples of medical and/or religious accommodations that we are able to provide. This list is not exhaustive and students are welcome to request accommodations that are not listed here. Please note that each request is reviewed independently and will only be approved if the committee determines that a medical and/or religious need is present that requires the requested accommodation to prevent a significant limitation or impairment. Submitting an accommodation request does not guarantee that the request will be approved.

Single RoomA private bedroom within a suite/apartment of other students. Available in Miller, Slade, Trees Complex, Forest, Kresge, Copley North/South, Fenway, Orchard North/South, Falcones, Castle House, and North Campus. Building placement will be based on class year status.
Studio ApartmentA fully private apartment for one student featuring a combined living room/bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. Please note that approval for a single room accommodation is not the same as approval for a studio apartment. Available in Collins Hall. 
Double RoomA bedroom featuring one direct roommate within a suite/apartment, which may contain other students in different bedrooms. Available in all residence halls, with the exception of Castle House. Building placement will be based on class year status.
KitchenAn apartment with a full kitchen for meal preparation, which waives the requirement for purchasing a meal plan. Available in Collins, Rhodes, Boylston A/B, Orchard North/South, Falcones, and North Campus. Building placement will be based on class year status.
Access to Private BathroomAccess to a single-user bathroom within a suite or apartment that is shared only among the students living in that space. Typically shared with 1-7 other students. Available in all suite and apartment style buildings. Building placement will be based on class year status.
Lower-Level Floor or Elevator AccessA room on the first/ground floor of a residence hall, or a higher floor with access to an elevator. Lower-level floor placements are available in all residence halls, and elevators are available in Collins, Falcone North, Fenway, Copley North/South, and North Campus. Building placement will be based on class year status.
Central Campus LocationLiving in a residence hall that is centrally located on campus with proximity and easy access to academic buildings, dining, and other campus resources. Available in any main campus residence halls (Miller, Slade, Trees Complex, Collins, Rhodes, Boylston A/B, Falcones, Forest, and Kresge). Building placement will be based on class year status.
Physical KeyStudents whose religious observance prohibits them from using electronic card access may request a physical key. Student room physical keys are available in most residence halls, but not all. Building placement will be based on class year status and availability of interior and/or exterior key creation.
Emotional Support Animal (ESA)Ability to have one (1) animal in your residence to provide emotional support. Emotional Support Animals must be able to live in any housing assignment on campus, so approval for an ESA does not warrant a specific room placement.

Below are examples of requests that we cannot provide as a medical or religious housing accommodation:

  • Specific roommates
  • Random assignment with roommate of same religion, dietary needs, or other identity/lifestyle
  • Double bedroom for only one student (i.e. double as a single)
  • Private bedroom for studying / academic work (many spaces are present around campus that students can utilize to meet this need)
  • Private bedroom for participating in telehealth and/or therapy appointments (students are expected to communicate with their roommate when they may need privacy in their living environment)
  • Private bedroom for prayer practice/observance (students are expected to communicate with their roommate when they may need privacy, and there are also dedicated prayer rooms on campus)


If you have any questions about this process or would like more information, please contact

Please click here to access the Housing and Meal Plan MEDICAL Accommodation Form.

Please click here to access the Housing and Meal Plan RELIGIOUS Accommodation Form.

Gender Inclusive Housing

All housing options on campus are gender-inclusive. Any students may choose to live together regardless of gender. Bentley University is committed to creating an affirming community for our trans, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming students. The Residential Center will work with students to find a housing situation that is affirming and will support each student's academic growth. If you would like to speak with someone regarding a specific request, please contact our office at

Access the Housing Portal