General Move-Out Information
Residence Halls will close at 5:00 PM on Friday, May 9th. You must leave the residence halls within 24 hours after your last final OR by Friday, May 9th, at 5:00 p.m., whichever comes first.
Please complete the following before you move out:
- Log into the Housing Portal and complete the Closing Departure Form. You will be asked to provide an approximate date/time for your departure from campus so that we can provide adequate staffing. You must complete this form by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 25th. You will be able to revisit the form until April 26th to update your responses if needed.
- Ensure that your room/suite/apartment is in acceptable condition (clean and free of damage – see below) prior to moving out.
Please complete the following when you are ready to move out:
- When you are ready to depart campus, you will need to check-in with an RA (Resident Assistant) who will accompany you to your space to ensure all of your belongings are out.
- If you plan to leave prior to Monday, May 5th, you must reach out to your RA to schedule a time to check out.
- If you plan to leave Monday, May 5th through our closing date of Thursday, May 9th, you must stop by the Resident Assistant Office for your building/area to check out, as RAs will be available between 8:00 a.m. and midnight on those days to assist you.
All items must be fully removed from your space when you move out for the summer. Additionally, the space must be left in comparable condition to when you moved in – no trash left behind and no damage to the furniture or structures. Please note that any damage to the space, or items left behind, will result in damage billing charges.
Requesting a Late Stay
If you have a demonstrated need to stay in your room assignment past 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 9th, you will need to request a late stay. To do so, please log into the Housing Portal and complete the Late Stay Form no later than Tuesday, May 6th.
Late stays will only be approved for students who are experiencing significant difficulty with departing campus by the 5:00 p.m. closing time on May 9th. Please note that you may be asked to verify certain information, such as flight times or travel information, in order for a decision to be made.
If you are approved for a late stay, you will be able to remain on campus until 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 10th. We cannot accommodate any late stays beyond that time. If you need housing for additional days, you will need to request interim housing for the week of May 10th-17th.
Senior Move-Out Information
If you are participating in the Bentley in the Bahamas Trip: you will stay in your spring housing assignment for the duration of Commencement Week, and you will need to be fully moved off campus by 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 17th.
If you are only participating in the Senior Ball: you will stay in your spring assignment through Saturday, May 10th and will have to be moved out of the residence halls by 12:00 PM on Saturday, May 10th. If you are in need of housing through Commencement, then you will need to sign-up for Interim Housing.
If you are not participating in the Bentley in the Bahamas Trip nor the Senior Ball: you will need to be moved out by 5:00 PM on Friday, May 9th. If you are in need of housing through Commencement, then you will need to sign up for Interim Housing.
All seniors remaining on campus during commencement week (either Bahamas housing or non-Bahamas interim housing) will need to be fully moved off campus by 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 17th, following commencement.
We strongly encourage seniors to begin packing up their rooms, and bringing belongings home if possible, prior to the start of commencement/Bahamas week. While end-of-year senior activities are fun, they are much less stressful if you plan your move-out in advance.
Damage Billing Information
After students move out of their housing assignments, the Residential Center staff will inspect the condition of all rooms. Students are expected to leave their room in an acceptable condition and free of damage. Any damage to the room, trash left behind, or otherwise unacceptable conditions will be assessed and the student will be charged for the cost of repair/removal/cleaning. In spaces that are occupied by multiple students, the charges will be split evenly among all occupants. For example, bedroom damage will be split between all direct occupants of the bedroom, and common space damage (suites/apartments) will be split among all occupants of the suite or apartment.
Once damage billing charges are communicated, students are able to appeal these charges. Appeals will be reviewed by a committee and then a decision will be communicated to the student. Students who do not properly check out with a Resident Assistant (see check-out process above), are not eligible to appeal any damage billing charges.
- May 5th - 10th: Staff inspect all residence hall spaces for damage
- May 21st: Students informed via email of any damage billing charges and the appeals process
- May 30th Last day to appeal damage billing charges
- June 4th: Appeals decisions communicated via email
Damage/Cleaning Rates:
Damage Billing Rates 2022-2023.pdf
Important Reminders
- 24-hour quiet hours begin at 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 29th, and continue through the end of the term (May 9th). Please be courteous of your peers as everyone is working on end of semester coursework.
- Begin submitting work orders now for anything that needs repair in your space that you have not previously reported. For example, if you have broken lights or other items in your space that may no longer be functioning appropriately, please submit those work orders now so that we can begin addressing them prior to move-out. Please note that Facilities informs our office of any damaged items that they repair, and charges may be applied if items such as furniture, walls, ceiling, etc. are broken or damaged.
- During move-out, the Office of Sustainability will be collecting reusable items to donate to local charities as part of their Give N' Go program. More information will be sent out from their office regarding that program prior to the move-out period.
- As you clean out your rooms, don’t forget to clean out your meal plan accounts! Unfortunately, hunger is a problem everywhere – even at Bentley. As you close out this year, if you have any meal swipes left in your account, please consider donating up to 5 meal swipes to the Swipe Out Hunger program. These swipes will go directly to a student who is in need of a meal. You can learn more and easily donate at:
More Information
Questions? Contact the Residential Center at 781-891-2148 or
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