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University Life

Immediate Help for Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence, and Stalking

The first few days after a sexual assault can be a very confusing time. If you have questions about safety planning, medical care, or emotional support, there are staff members and off-campus partners available to discuss resources and options with you. The table below includes information about evidence collection, STI testing, and other options to consider.

University Police can assist students with transportation to Newton Wellesley Hospital for medical care or evidence collection from Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners. Simply tell dispatch you need a ride to Newton Wellesley Hospital for a personal health concern. Seeking transportation assistance does not mean you have to file a police report or criminal complaint. You always have the option to do so at a later time if that is something you choose.

If you are looking for...

Treatment for Physical Injuries

It is important to seek medical care as soon as possible for the treatment of any physical injuries. There are several options to choose from:

Schedule with the Bentley Health Center, or your primary care provider

Call 781-891-2222 or log on to the Health Portal to schedule at the Health Center. All Health Center staff are confidential employees, but if you'd prefer to not disclose the reason for the appointment, you can tell the front desk it is a private matter. A provider can examine you, treat you for injuries, and offer medical testing and emergency contraception if needed.

Visit a local emergency room or urgent care clinic

Newton Wellesley Hospital (2014 Washington St. Newton, MA 02462) is a short drive from campus. University Police can assist with transport. If you'd prefer not to disclose the reason for the transport, you can tell them it is a private health matter.

SANE Nurses (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners) are available on staff at Newton Wellesley. They are trained to examine survivors of interpersonal violence and collect evidence in a compassionate and trauma-informed way. The exams are at no cost to patients in designated hospitals throughout the Boston area.

Medical Advocates from Boston Area Rape Crisis center can meet you at a local hospital if you'd like support during your visit, advocacy with medical staff, an explanation of the evidence collection process, or additional resources.

Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception reduces the change of pregnancy. It is an over the counter medication and is most effective when taken within 3-5 days of unprotected sex, or sexual assault. Emergency contraception prevents an egg from leaving the ovaries. It does not abort an existing fetus.  

Emergency contraception is available at the Bentley Health Center during business hours. Call 781-891-2222 or log on to the Health Portal to schedule an appointment.

When the Health Center is closed, you can obtain emergency contraception at local pharmacies, hospitals, and health clinics.

STI and HIV Testing

The Student Health Center offers HIV and STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) testing for students. Call 781-891-2222 or log on to the Health Portal to schedule an appointment.

Additional STI/HIV testing sites in the Boston area are listed on the Emergencies and Off-Campus Care Resources page.

Toxicology Testing

If you suspect that someone drugged you, you can request a toxicology screening at a local hospital. It is best to do so within 4 days of an assault.  Toxicology screening is included during a sexual assault exam and evidence collection kit procedure should you seek that option at a local hospital. Toxicology results can take time to process. The hospital or Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner will provide you with information about accessing your results.

The Health Center is unable to offer toxicology screening. Due to the complexity of the screening, the lab cannot offer the caliber of testing necessary in these situations. If you’re interested in pursuing a toxicology screening, please all 781-891-2222 or log on to the Health Portal to schedule an appointment with a provider in the Health Center to discuss your options, which could include contacting a local emergency room.

Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Exam

If a survivor goes to a participating SANE Hospital, they can ask to have a Sexual Assault Exam, a 16 step kit to collect evidence. The SANE Nurse (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) will explain each step and check before continuing to the next - the survivor will have full control over the process.

A physical exam and treatment for injuries will be provided, and samples may be collected from a survivor's mouth, genital/anal areas, and other parts of the body. The survivor may be offered a toxicology kit and asked to give a verbal account of what happened so that the nurse knows where to collect evidence.

The exam may take a while to complete - the survivor can bring someone with them and/or a trained medical advocate can be called as an additional support.

Each kit has a unique number that will be coded to the survivor. The kits are brought to a state crime lab where they are only processed if the survivor chooses to report the assault to the police.

Safety Planning

Confidential staff and Title IX staff are available to talk to you about supportive measures, accommodations, and safety planning needs.

Emily Campia, Sexual Assault Resource Specialist (confidential)
Location: Rhodes Hall
Phone: 781-891-2222 

The Office of Title IX
Location: LaCava 292
Phone: 781-891-2193

The Counseling Center (confidential)
Location: Callahan Building, 2nd Floor
Phone: 781-891-2274

Health Center (confidential)
Location: Rhodes Hall
Phone: 781-891-2222 

If you are ever in immediate danger, please contact 911 or University Police at 781-891-3131.

Medical Care

Health Center
Location: Rhodes Hall
Phone: 781-891-2222

Newton-Wellesley Hospital Location
Location: 2014 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02462
Phone: 617-243-6000

Newton-Wellesley Hospital provides free and confidential domestic and sexual violence services for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Newton-Wellesley provides SANE Nurses (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners), as well as Boston Rape Crisis Center medical advocates.

Fenway Community Health Center
Location: Several Locations
Phone: (617) 267-0900
Please note: Fenway Community Health Center does not offer emergency services.

The mission of Fenway Health is to enhance the well-being of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and all people in our neighborhoods and beyond, through access to the highest quality health care, education, research and advocacy.

Emotional Support

The Counseling Center
Location: Callahan Building, 2nd Floor
Phone: 781-891-2274

Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) 
Locations: Boston, Cambridge, and Waltham
24/7 Hotline: 1-800-841-8371

BARCC is a national leader in providing a 24-hour hotline, 24-hour medical advocacy, individual and group counseling, and legal advocacy. BARCC also provides community awareness and prevention services. BARCC assists thousands of sexual violence survivors and their families, friends and communities each year, regardless of sex, gender identity, race, physical/developmental disabilities, income, ethnicity, class, religion, or sexual orientation. Free and confidential services are provided in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, and French, with other languages available upon request.

REACH Beyond Domestic Violence (REACH) 
Location: Waltham
24/7 Hotline: 1-800-899-4000

REACH Beyond Domestic Violence is a comprehensive domestic violence service agency. The shelter, 24-hour hotline, and community-based support services provide domestic violence survivors with the help they need to achieve permanent safety and independence. Prevention programs engage the community, generate conversations, and create locally-based solutions to end domestic violence. All of REACH’s services are free and confidential.

Reporting Options

Confidential Staff and Resources