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Database of the Month

Database of the Month: New Search Interface for Euromonitor Passport

By Lisa Curtin
passport-database-logoEarlier this month Euromonitor launched a new search interface for the Passport database, making it easier to build targeted searches for consumer, industry, company, and economic data and analysis. ...

Database of the Month: Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

By Nicholas Albaugh

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts image


Database of the Month: Thomson ONE

By Hope Houston

Thomson ONE logo image Please note: Thomson ONE is optimized for Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7. It also works with Internet Explorer versions 8 or 9. It does not work in Firefox or Chrome, or on Macs. Thomson ONE uses pop-ups. Set Internet Explorer to accept pop-ups from * before entering the database to avoid having to re-do steps.


Earth Day Is Almost Here! Database of the Month: GreenFILE

By Adam Williams
sunflower Earth Hour has come and gone and Earth Day is almost here. GreenFILE brings together resources spanning a broad range of disciplines that cover the human impact on the environment. ...

Database of the Month: Global Issues in Context

By Dominique Winn

Gale Cengage has a great product with Global Issues in Context (GIC).  It is especially relevant to expository writing and classes discussing cultures, current events, and politics. GIC serves up information on a broad variety of topics including:


Database of the Month: RIA Checkpoint

By Kimberly Morin
RIACheckpointRIA Checkpoint, also known as Thomson Reuters Checkpoint, provides access to ERISA, Internal Revenue Code & Regulations, State Codes & Regulations, Tax Cases, Tax Rulings, IRS Pubs & Other Tax Docs. Here are some highlights and features of the Bent ...

Database of the Month: U.S. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets (U.S. State Dept.)

By Macee Damon



Database of the Month: Mintel Reports

By Lisa Curtin

click to go to Mintel ReportsMintel Reports is one of the Bentley Library’s premier databases for consumer market, product and brand research. Mintel's coverage is domestic and international, providing reports for the US, UK, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Spain.


Database of the Month: Academic Search Complete

By Nicholas Albaugh
Academic Search Complete image Described by its publisher EBSCO as "the world's most comprehensive, scholarly full-text database for multidisciplinary research", Academic Search Complete is a database suitable for many different kinds of research here at Bentley. ...

Database of the Month: Business Source Complete

By Hope Houston

Business Source Complete logoBusiness Source Complete adds much more content to the EBSCO family of business databases. Not only does it include over 2,000 peer-reviewed journals, but it indexes and provides abstracts to the most important scholarly journals in business, dating back to 1886 in some instances.

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