Check out our book, popular reading, DVD and audiobook (including Playaway) acquisitions for the month of April. Go to our New Books & DVDs page to browse by subject or format.
...On Wednesday, April 13, the library participated in Library Snapshot Day, a statewide event scheduled to coincide with the American Library Association’s National Library Week. On Snapshot Day, libraries throughout Massachusetts collect statistics and other information to illustrate a typical day in the life of the library—a snapshot, as the name implies.
...This month ProQuest is debuting a new platform for the 30+ ProQuest databases to which the Bentley Library subscribes. This new platform allows the Bentley Library to create unique subject specific databases that best reflect the research needs of the Bentley community. Databases such as the Worldwide Political Science Abstracts have also been moved to ProQuest from the CSA platform, allowing users to search more resources with a common platform.